9/1/2016 Update: Sighting in New Jersey 8/25/16 Update: Read the latest sighting of a black disc near the Eiffel Tower 8/21/16 Story Update At least three more reports from August 20th have been submitted to MUFON about a black disc appearing out of the blue or hovering. In one case (case 78581), the witness saw the disc in person. In the other cases, the witnesses didn't notice the UFO until viewing photographs later (cases 78584 and 78579). However, one of those witnesses thought it was very strange because they'd been actively researching UFOs the night before noticing the photo. Could it be possible there are UFOs so fast or so inter-dimensional that they only are seen in accidental photographs, and that they could be increasing in frequency right now??? Please report your sighting if you've seen this!
Original story:
An oval-shaped black object traveling in the daytime sky has been recently filmed in both Maryland and Mexico recently. Although the sightings may not be related, it is worth looking at together in case they are, as these are just the latest in a trend of recent sightings... August 14th in Mexico
July in Maryland:
We were in the back yard in the swimming pool and I noticed a black football shaped object at the edge of the clouds. I told my son to get my binoculars and after viewing the object with the binoculars I had him get my camera. It would fly left then right, hoover and go in the clouds then come back (which is what made me think it was a drone). After viewing the object in my binoculars I was sure it was not a drone, UAV, or a weather balloon. It was very exciting because my whole family got to witness it and look at it. Once we looked at the pictures on the computer it really got us to wonder exactly what was this we just viewed. Finally it went into the clouds and we did not see it again. I would be very interested in finding out if anyone else saw the same thing we did and what it was. I have showed the pictures to several Naval pilots and others who work in aviation here at PAX river and they encouraged me to submit these photos. I also work in the aviation industry.
Compare to other similar UFO sightings recently reported:
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