Josh Brinkley and Daniel Lucero were bow hunting for elk in Taos when they accidentally witnessed aliens!!! Well, maybe. According to the hunters, they observed two strange figures, who they guessed were fellow hunters. However, these hunters had "little shapes on the right and left side of them, oversized heads, kind of black torsos..." and looked like "space men." When Brinkley and Lucero walked toward them, they disappeared. The next day, the two men then discovered a huge, white structure that looked like a "mothership" - however it disappeared before they could see it up close. Read more of their testimony on and watch a video interview below, which includes photos the men drew: [NUFORC report S148692]
(Note: Some skeptics consider the Allagash abductions to be debunked, as one of the witnesses claims that it was a made up story. However, the three other witnesses continue to hold that the incident was real. As always, you be the judge...)
Many know about the 1975 alien abduction of Travis Walton, but what about the encounter from just a year later occurring along the Allagash River in Allagash, Maine? It's just as well-documented, and more importantly, just as terrifying! In the summer of 1976, twin brothers Jim and Jack Weiner and friends Charles Foltz and Charles Rak were camping along the Allagash River. After arriving at Eagle Lake by canoe, they felt compelled to go night fishing, as they were running low on food and had failed to catch much or anything so far. Before venturing out on the river, they lit a large campfire.
Something stopped them from night fishing that evening, though. Charles Rak - even after recanting his memories of direct alien contact much later on - remembers the UFO sighting, explaining how he "had an uncomfortable feeling of being stared at," which caused him to "(turn) around and (see) this very, very bright globe of light in the sky... changing color from white to red to green in a liquid kind of melding motion."
In other reports, for example on, the mystery craft was described as "a light that seemed much brighter than a star," which changed colors and was estimated to be 80 feet in diameter, and moving slowly over the treetops. One of the men signaled their flashlight at the weird, luminous craft, and that is when it traveled directly toward them.
After that, well, it was like nothing had happened. Suddenly, the men were back on the riverbank, and their impressive log fire was now just a pile of ashes. The group of friends were just left with questions, like "how much time had really passed during their short fishing trip?," and "what was that strange light in the sky?," however none of them wanted to ponder any of these things. The silence didn't last long, though.
Jack Weiner is the first of the friends brave enough to talk about the encounter. He is having nightmares that he just can't keep to himself anymore. They feature strange entities with "large metallic glowing eyes with no lids" as well as insect-like, four-fingered hands. He is also dreaming about "sitting on a bench naked and feeling very fearful."
To his relief, he is not alone in his memories. The other three friends, including his brother Jim, recall similarly terrifying experiences, but only under hypnosis, which was advised by UFO researcher and recent friend Raymond Fowler.
Other details of the encounter are eventually retrieved through hypnosis, including the extraterrestrial craft having a metal, sleek, sterile interior, and the beings having long, slender limbs and fingers, with only four fingers in all, and big, dark, "metallic" eyes. According to early sources, all of the men had similar recollections of the scary alien abduction during hypnosis, and each of the men even passed a lie detector test about the encounter. Many compare the Allagash Abduction incident to the contactee case of Whitley Strieber, a popular American horror novelist who wrote about his personal, frightening encounters with alien entities in the book Communion. Communion was published more than a decade after the Allagash Abduction, however.
Since the Allagash Abduction made headlines, one of the abductees, Chuk Rak, claims that the story of the UFO sighting and the campfire burning out is all true, however he never actually recalled the abduction during hypnosis. The other three witnesses maintain their stories to this day, however, so we are left to wonder... and have bad dreams about... the Allagash Alien Abduction.
If this abduction account and others like it are true (consider Roswell, Whitley Strieber, and Travis Walton), then what does that say about aliens?
Are they friendly creatures peacefully examining us for scientific purposes? Or are are they the unfriendly monsters we see in our nightmares? ... Or could they be a little bit of both? Share your thoughts on this haunting alien abduction tale and others in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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A UFO sighting and possible alien encounter from 2015 (and prior, the witness has had multiple experiences) has submitted photos and testimony to MUFON (case 98358). As with many alien or humanoid encounter stories, there is little physical evidence, just drawings and memories of the experience. Does that mean it didn't happen? Or is this the nature of alien abductions? As always, share your thoughts in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Okay.. well my first incident was when i was very young. I remember playing hide n seek with a friend. Next thing i remember is visions of being in a tube with water and little tubes connected to me. I remember falling out onto a metal like floor with red lights all around this room(blurry vision from the water or whatever fluid i was floating in). I then see a humanoid shaped figure in an all metal looking suit with an opening at the neck that looked to withhold a reptile looking creature. It looked directly at me on the floor(to weak to stand), picked me up and then all i remember after is the sun being bright standing in the road in front of my house and the back of my neck having a stinging sort of feeling. My cousin whom i was playing hide n seek with said i had been gone for about an hr n a half to 2 hrs, yet i didnt know exactly where i went or how long i was actually gone for. "I look for it every day and wonder where it came from" - Possible Mothman Sighting in Nevada?5/8/2019
I was trying to find reports of alien entities on MUFON, and many recent ones appear to have been scrubbed or archived elsewhere, their written testimonies replaced with blank text or field investigator entries like [abduction case]. I did, however, happen upon some interesting ones, including a very intriguing testimony and drawing of an intimidating, dark, tall, winged being that landed in front of the witness' vehicle last summer (case 97499): Human like entity with wings.No face , no eyes,smoke gray in color about 7 feet tall or more. I can't help but compare this case to the infamous Mothman, a similarly winged creature reportedly seen in West Virginia in 1966 and 1967: What do you think this witness saw? Is the Mothman from the 60s still around today? Or is this report just a hoax or mis-identification?
Share your thoughts on this "entity" sighting and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Have you ever seen something you believed to be alien in nature? Report your sighting!
The scariest part about the Travis Walton alien abduction might be that it is one of the most credible and well-documented cases ever. That means that if aliens are real, some of them abduct human beings and subject them to painful, traumatizing experiences.
On November 5th, 1975, Travis Walton was clearing trees in an Arizona forest with six other loggers. After the day's work was done, all seven men piled into a pick-up truck to head home. However, Walton never made it home.
During the drive, the men spotted and heard a buzzing flying saucer-shaped object overhead. Walton was curious, so he stepped out of the vehicle to approach the strange disc. That's when a blue beam of light struck him down to the ground. His fellow loggers yelled at him to come back, but they were too spooked to get out of the car, and eventually drove off.
The next thing Walton remembers is waking up in a hospital-like room and being glared at by three intimidating creatures, resembling the typical "gray aliens" described by witnesses of the Roswell UFO crash and others like it, but with orange jumpsuits. “I looked at the vague but reassuring forms of the doctors around me. Abruptly my vision cleared. The sudden horror of what I saw rocked me as I realized I was definitely not in a hospital. I was looking square into the face of a horrible creature . . . with huge, luminous brown eyes the size of quarters! I looked frantically around me. There were three of them! Hysteria overcame me instantly.” — Travis Walton
Walton was also in terrible pain and very weak. However, he managed to muster up enough energy to yell at the entities and scare them away temporarily. He later met another taller, more humanoid-looking creature and spent some time walking around the craft. However, he would go on to endure additional, traumatizing examinations during his stay on the alien spaceship.
Whether Walton hallucinated, fabricated, or genuinely recalled his abduction experience is still a matter of debate, but there's little doubt that Walton and his fellow loggers had a UFO sighting, and that Walton went missing for five days afterward. Walton's mysterious disappearance and the subsequent hunt for him was covered by national media. Walton did return to Earth, but thirty minutes away in the nearby town of Herber, Arizona. He woke up suddenly, and found himself laying on his stomach, and feeling weak, hungry, and thirsty. He was treated at a local hospital and went on to share his terrifying extraterrestrial encounter.
What do you think of the Travis Walton alien abduction incident? Is it one of the best and scariest cases on in ufology? Or could it have been a hoax or hallucination?
Share your thoughts on this case and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You may also like |
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