A frightening, 1970s sighting of three humanoid aliens in a London home is just now being reported to MUFON (case 97086). Read the full testimony right here: 3 Humanoid figures appeared in our bedroom
The witness also attached a photograph from a book cover to help illustrate what they saw:
Do you believe that the "grays," a rumored-to-exist alien species that fits witness reports like these, exist? And do you believe they visited people back in the 1970s? Are they still visiting today?
Share your opinions on this topic and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Have you ever seen an alien or been abducted? Report your encounter!
An encounter with gray aliens from years ago is only just now being shared online with TexasUFOs. You can read the full witness testimony right here: In the middle of the night, I was 16 yrs old, in 1985. They came in my room.
What do you think of encounters with gray aliens? Have you ever seen one before? Share your experience.
A very scary reptilian sighting and possible abduction was reported to MUFON (case 96397), along with a witness drawing. As with most abduction cases, the witness experienced missing time and was in a dreamlike state during the encounter: late at night, around 3am, abducted by possible reptilians
Sightings of the gray aliens are much more common than sightings of reptilians, and some believe that reptilians are actually made the gray aliens! Do you believe that aliens are real and are abducting US citizens? Or do you believe alien abduction cases are just dreamed or made up?
Share your thoughts on this case and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Do you believe you've been abducted by aliens? Report your close encounter!
Officer.com asked law enforcement offices from all over about their personal paranormal experiences. Everything from UFO sightings to ghostly encounters were shared, but what I found most intriguing was a story about an alien abduction!
Jaime Dube used to be a patrol officer in Maine but he's no stranger to strange encounters. One of the most amazing experiences he ever had was a missing persons case.
Francine was an alcoholic in town who had multiple encounters with the police. So when she went missing one day, the whole force was keeping an eye out for her. Office Dube noticed a person curled int a ball laying on a bridge. When he approached the figure, he realized it was none other than Francine and boy did she have a story about where she was.
According to her, a "spaceman" took her. She elaborated to say: "They did all kinds of things. They made me eat this green stuff. It was kind of like pudding. It was green and tasted horrible. They made me eat that. They prodded and poked at my stomach. My stomach is killing me right now. I want you to take me to the hospital." What Francine was most disturbed by, though, was the fact that she was sent back to Earth. She claimed that her alcoholism excluded her from staying on board the ship, which included many other human beings just like her - who had gone missing. But that's not all. Francine had proof of her extraterrestrial encounter - a mysterious, ultra-smooth rock with strange reflective properties. What do you think of this amazing alien abduction case? Should it join other well-documented and similar cases? Share your thoughts on this story and more in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! You may also like:
A very strange video showing a UFO over Mexico was uploaded to YouTube by the witness. That footage was then enhanced an uploaded by a popular UFO channel. Some suggest the video shows a flying humanoid, while others just see a balloon. What do you see? As always, you be the judge:
If you've ever seen a UFO or alien and have photos or videos to share, report your sighting!
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