Video showing a dark, pill-shaped object hovering stationary in a gray sky over Colombia, with another similar object also then appearing and moving toward it, has been uploaded to YouTube. It's based on a MUFON report that was just sent (case 95063): Saw tic-tac shaped black object hover. Videotaped it. While videotaping on my phone, a second object rose from below. The first object disappeared behind clouds. Second object flew slowly out of view behind a building
What do you think of this recent UFO sighting? Share your theories in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
According to local and national news outlets and many witnesses, an extremely large and luminous round light was seen hovering over a town in Colombia before it mysteriously vanished:
Although many eyewitnesses suggested the light to be a UFO, many online are commenting that the object could be a flare or meteor, with some skeptics suggesting this is just the moon.
No meteor reports were logged for the time period in Colombia, however on the same night, a large fireball was seen by many in parts of the US, and the night before, a large fireball seen in the UK! Could these fireball/meteor events be related? As always, you be the judge. Share your opinion on this strange glowing UFO over Colombia below in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! If you also saw this luminous sphere, report your sighting and help crack this case.
A really amazing looking "UFO cloud" shaped like a large spaceship appeared in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, and locals were amazed by it. A least one photo has surfaced online. The Sun noticed that the cloud looks an awful lot like the cloud the spaceship creates in the 1996 film Independence Day, which has a sequel that just arrived in theaters. Big cloud in Cartagena Colombia. Video Phenomenon in the sky that caused euphoria in thousands in Cartagena Colombia the afternoon of June 30 2016 video captured by Cristian David Ramos Martínez Huge UFO, Mothership Some users of social networking users decide it was a giant UFO mothership type camouflaged among the clouds. Several images were shared in social networks, some thought was photoshop, but later have been published several videos on this spectacular phenomenon in the sky of Cartagena Colombia. It is a totally natural Atmospheric phenomenon? This phenomenon is caused by HAARP? It is a giant UFO camouflaged among the clouds?
The Spanish-language comments for the video range from amazed to skeptical.
What do you think caused this strange cloud to appear? HARP? A spaceship trying to cloak itself? Or is this just an example of cool-looking atmospheric conditions, perhaps a Lenticular cloud, a type of cloud that does often appear in mountainous regions. TexasUFOs posted about a weird UFO in Fort Worth from a few months ago. What could be up with the weather? |
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