Almost everyone knows about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, but most don't know about everything that happened afterward, including a "cover up" that goes all the way from New Mexico to Texas. Although Area 51 is now well-known, and in fact the subject of a trending Twitter hashtag, #stormArea51," it is not probably not the place to go looking for top-secret alien tech or bodies.
Robert Porter was a master sergeant in the US army and part of the flight crew that transported Roswell wreckage to the Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, where Major Jesse Marcel, Roswell's chief intelligence officer, was ordered to report to after the crash. Since ufologist Stanton Friedman reached out to Porter in 1973, the flight engineer went on to do interviews and write a signed affidavit detailing his experience handling strange packages and "pieces of flying saucer."
In the video below, uploaded to YouTube in 2014, Porter gives a candid interview about his experience as a Roswell flight crew member. Although the army sergeant passed in 2012, his desire for UFO Disclosure is evident in the video.
One crew member told Porter they were transporting "pieces of a flying saucer," first to Fort Worth, and then to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio (the supposed "real" Area 51). Porter described having to load one very lightweight triangle-shaped package (about two and a half feet across the bottom), along with three other small shoe box-sized packages. Each package had simple brown wrapping paper and tape, and altogether could easily fit into the trunk of a car. The packages were also easy to pick up; the triangle-shaped package was so light, in fact, it might as well have been empty.
On the way to Fort Worth, "there wasn't much talk." Upon arriving, Porter was told that they were in fact just transporting a weather balloon.
When the interviewer, Noe Torres of, asked what Porter thought they transported, he said "it wasn't a weather balloon." Torres then asked him what he thinks government should do about information like this. He said: "I think they should let the people know what's going on."
Democratic Senator Mike Warner of Virginia was recently asked about UFO sightings being reported by Navy pilots, and he gave a surprising response. Warren confirmed that the military had been briefed about UFOs, and was taking them seriously: From Navy pilots to the US President to a senator, UFOs are a fair topic to talk about in politics these days. Does that mean that UFO and alien Disclosure is here?
Share your thoughts on this story and more in the comments, or Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! A totally surprising and totally enthralling interview with one of the most amazing UFO "witnesses" of all time, Bob Lazar, has just "aired" on the Joe Rogan Experience. Documentarian Jeremy Corbell recently brought Lazar back into the mainstream with his film Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, which is available on Netflix right now. Lazar claims to have worked at Area 51 in the 1980s. He was tasked with back engineering alien technology, specifically a small reactor with the power of anti gravity. He also witnessed a test flight of a spaceship, and glimpsed into a large room that sheltered several other spacecraft, all of different shapes. Lazar also claimed to have read government briefings about these craft, and the alien presence on Earth. In one briefing, it was revealed to him that the technology he was experimenting on originated from the zeta reticuli star system. It's important to note that many skeptics have since "debunked" Lazar's claims, and in fact, it is difficult to prove that Lazar ever worked for the US government at all. However, many of Lazar's claims have only become more credible over time. Whether or not Lazar's story is real, his knowledge certainly is. Lazar spoke early on about things that were not then known to the public, like Area 51 and a radioactive element called Element 115. Back when Lazar initially spoke out about what he had seen at Area 51, not much was known to the public about UFOs. However, since then, the government's secretive UFO research programs have been disclosed, along with UFO sightings by top ranking military and government officials. These facts, along with the modern-day mainstream news coverage of them, certainly lend credibility to Lazar's testimony. The Joe Rogan Bob Lazar interview is well worth a listen, not just to revisit Lazar's amazing testimony, but to also hear Rogan, Corbell, and Lazar talk about things like the recently leaked Wilson document (which refers to a crashed UFO) and Lazar's reluctance to do the interview. Lazar went so far as to say he believes his experience of being shamed and harassed in the public eye deterred other potential whistle blowers from coming forward. Rogan, however, believed that this time around, people will listen to Lazar and give him the benefit of the doubt. Did you watch the Joe Rogan Bob Lazar interview? What do you think? NASA Welcomes Space Tourists and Entrepreneurs - Right Along with Rumors of UFO and Alien Disclosure6/7/2019 NASA is now welcoming commercial space flight! According to the BBC, "the US space agency said it would open the orbiting station to tourism and other business ventures... NASA said that private astronauts would be permitted to travel to the ISS for up to 30 days, traveling on US spacecraft." This is an unprecedented move for NASA, and it is especially interesting in light of recent news about the US Pentagon and Navy's modern-day concern about UFOs and a potential threat from ET beings. In fact, one of the first people to buy into NASA's new commercial space flight program is Robert Bigelow, who according to the New York Times, played a prominent role in the aforementinoed top-secret UFO research!
Multiple mainstream news stories revealing the US military's current interest in UFOs have many in the UFO community wondering if UFO and Alien Disclosure is on the horizon. In December 2017, the New York Times broke a story about the Pentagon's secret UFO research program, which had been shuttered at the time of the story's release. Since then, the Pentagon admitted that it still researches UFOs today. As well, a news story about the Navy taking UFO reports seriously and in fact, formalizing the process of reporting a UFO, also hit mainstream media outlets. Well, the seeming momentum toward Disclosure is not slowing. The New York Times has now featured a brief but intriguing and modern-day account of UFOs seen by Navy pilots over a period of two years. According to the New York Times, "strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast." Although an earthly origin has been suggested for these strange objects, it is still a matter of debate, and as those in the UFO community know, this is hardly the only credible UFO sighting on record.
What do you think of this recent mainstream news article about UFOs over the US? Do you think we will read more stories like this? Is Disclosure coming? Share your thoughts on this story, and UFOs and aliens in general, in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. |
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