A NASA photo of a Mars crater from 2005 has been making headlines recently. A popular UFO researcher noticed that NASA labeled the image "Chryse Alien" and suggested that this could be proof of alien life in our universe.
While the photo is definitely interesting and seems to show an alien face, I personally believe NASA was just having fun with the name.
Now, while this photo may show a Mars impact crater and not a real alien face, it could still show proof of alien life. Or at least, ancient alien life. The Chyrse Planitia is the name of the Martian plain where the above image was captured, and it is home to many ancient river valleys and perhaps a large ocean or lake. This of course means there could have been alien life on the planet in ancient times. The name "Chyrse" refers to an ancient island in Southeast Asia rich with gold, referenced in both mythological and historic Greek texts. So, the name "Chyrse Alien" does imply a lot more than a simple Martian impact crater. I'll leave it up to you, the community, to read between the lines! Share your theories on this real NASA photo and NASA's curious name for it in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
The race to Mars is officially on. Shortly after SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made statements about his plans to go to Mars and his expectation that he will find subterranean extraterrestrial life there, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg made headlines by stating "I'm convinced that the first person to step foot on Mars will arrive there riding on a Boeing rocket." Of course the backdrop to this is NASA's plans to colonize Mars; they even produced a series of fantastical posters about it.
What's especially odd about all this is the case of the SpaceX rocket that recently exploded mid launch, as Elon Musk has helped to insinuate that a competitor - perhaps Boeing! - could be responsible for the disaster (via an enemy drone with a laser).
It seems that we need to get to Mars as soon as possible, and whoever gets their first will be rewarded. What do you think is driving this new sense of urgency? Is UFO and Alien Disclosure coming?
Earlier this month, NASA published a set of nine posters for download. Although they were originally commissioned in 2009, this is the first time they've been released to the public. The posters are fictional or futuristic, and solicit Americans to join NASA in its journey to Mars to colonize it. However, considering that NASA's stated mission is to colonize Mars, and they should be highly motivated to to win the race to do this (private citizens are already working on it), these posters feel very real and relevant today. You can download them on the NASA website, or view here.
Could these posters be a hint of an all-too-real future for US space exploration, and could it be part of the UFO Disclosure to come? The Mars Rover has famously snapped photos of mysterious objects on the Red Planet and is generating plenty of UFO and alien chatter online as is. Perhaps NASA's urgency to get to Mars is due to its knowledge that life is already there, and humans on Earth will most certainly be forced to colonize the planet within the next decade.
Check out more articles related to NASA and UFO Disclosure:
Did the now famous Texas flying saucer also pay a visit to Mars? One has to wonder when you see an official NASA photo like this one: I'm starting to get this feeling that we are being desensitized of UFO's by Yahoo in recent months.,.. and the only reason I can come up with is so when something really does happen.. we'll be so bored with it by then no one will care.. like a backwards "War of the Worlds" broadcast. -Comment made by Mathew Roper on an Examner.com article
Mysterious photos from Mars, believe it or not, do ommonly end up on NASA's JPL website - this is, in fact, the second time a flying saucer has been spotted on Mars in less than a month!; it's just that explanations from NASA are few and far between. Leaving us to wonder. But are we over thinking things? Maybe this "flying saucer" is really just a part of the rover itself, though I must say the online diagrams weren't too decisive:
It's part of the rover. The stuff below the "saucer" isn't the surface of Mars. It's a horizontal bar, That looks like some kind of rivet or screw attached to the horizontal bar.
What on Earth... sorry, what in the Universe? could this be? We've seen strange bright lights in the dirty brown Mars sky. We've seen stones that look an awful lot like statues on Mars. What are we seeing this time?
Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page! In the meantime, if you've seen you a UFO in Texas recently, please report your sighting.
The Mars Rover has been photographing all kinds of funky stuff of late - there was the the fossilized iguana (or goofy looking rock, hehe) and the jelly doughnut, among others.
Puzzling images of objects on the moon, flying around in Outer Space, and now on Mars are not at all uncommon on the official JPL.Nasa.gov website. I'm positive many ufologists are hoping this will lead toward Disclosure. Gary McKinnon, the "infamous" Pentagon hacker who discovered NASA was doctoring photos of UFOs is still under investigation and it is increasingly difficult to find any up to date information on him. But the search continues! Scott Warring of UFOSightingsDaily.com came across another one of these fun finds... in the following NASA photo, you can clearly see a white object zooming by on the horizon:
The following video was posted to YouTube by user StreetCap1, and picked up by UFOSightingsDaily.com, and it triggered serious, funny, and crazy comments alike, which you can read below.
was this taken in Oct/Nov?
What do you think? Comet - specifically ISON, space debris, digital artifact (eh, probably not), spacecraft (we can only hope!), weather balloon?
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