A couple witnessed large, bright, colorful lights hovering over the road, so they pulled their car over to observe them and try to get a video. They weren't able to get a video of the UFO sighting, but they did get a great picture. What is interesting is this UFO was seen only 35 minutes away from Rendlesham Forest, where one of the most well-documented UFO cases ever occurred. The UFO was even seen during the same month - December - as the Rendlesham UFO! Check out the photo and testimony sent to MUFON (case 91378): My son and his fiancee saw this on way home from shopping at Ipswich, not far from Rendlesham.
What do you think of this interesting witness testimony and photograph? Does it show a mysterious ET or even top-secret military craft? Or does it show something easier to explain, like a drone or airplane? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Retired United States Air Force Major Believes Aliens Are Documenting Us and Aren't Hostile10/7/2017
Incredible witness testimony from retired US Air Force Major and PHD in Civil Engineering Dr. Milton Torres has recently resurfaced online. Dr. Torres describes seeing a UFO the size of an aircraft carrier while stationed in England in 1957. He was ordered to shoot it down but was not able to as the UFO then took off at a speed that could only be compared to the speed of the space shuttle breaking through the atmosphere. After the event, Dr. Torres was visited by a "spook," as he calls it, who told him to keep quiet about the event.
Dr. Torres is convinced aliens are visiting this planet and studying. Dr Torres' experiences were apparently verified in the recent top-secret UFO file dump from the British MOD.
Dr. Torres also doesn't think the aliens are hostile and actually worried that his shots were the first shots of World War III. Watch the full interview below:
Another top-secret UFO file released from the British military details a 1982 encounter between a UFO and the USAF.
Believe it or not, many UFO crashes and close encounters with US military have been disclosed and declassified over the years.
An incredible daytime photograph showing mysterious balls of white light hovering over a crop circle in England has been circulated throughout the media. The witness, Pierre Beake, has caught "crop circle UFOs" on camera before, and is outspoken about his theories about the paranormal origin of these UFOs: [From Express News UK]
Here is a video from 2009 showing similar crop circle UFOs, also taken by Beake:
Other more confirmed sightings of UFOs like these actually occur around natural disasters, versus man or ET-made crop circle designs, like during the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami:
Could Pierre Beak be a hoaxer, or is he an earnest UFO witness? For what it is worth - I have seen videos and photos of similar orbs appearing over crop circles, and the explanations or "debunkings" offered up by skeptics and media for most of those sightings have been hauntingly weak.
What do you think of this sighting? I am trying to follow up with more information, but in the meantime share your theories or any information you have about this story in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Read also:
A video showing a bright white orb or sphere gliding through the daytime sky, and seeming to reflect the sunlight, has surfaced on YouTube and has even been picked by local news outlets:
The witness suggests on-camera that they could be viewing a weather balloon, but otherwise don't know what they are looking at. What do you think? Is this a balloon, drone, or something else fairly mundane? Or could this be a extraterrestrial satellite or craft?
I have yet to really authenticate this report, but I will be following up for more information, so stay tuned!
Amazing video showing a glowing white orb UFO doing circles in the sky over England made international headlines:
Some people have speculated that it could be a drone, while others believe it could be a military craft, considering there is a military training facility located nearby. What do you think? Share your theories! Have you ever seen anything like this before? Report your sighting.
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