According to the American Meteor Society and photos and videos surfacing online, an extremely large fireball zoomed over the heads of British Columbia residents a few nights ago, not long after historic flooding in Texas, and a historic eclipse in the US. Is nature trying to tell us something?
Check out the great footage captured of this giant fireball, which could be a space rock (meteorite) or perhaps even some man-made space junk:
If you have photographs or video of this amazing meteor or fireball, share them.
What do you think of this incredible astronomical event and all the accompanying strange weather events happening right now? Is there a link? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
During the "SkyFest" air show at the Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington, two UFOs were filmed. First a bright white flashing light, and then a solid dark round ball can be seen ascending very speedily; the footage is in slow-motion, which makes the UFOs all the more amazing: First UFO shows up at :05 seconds:
Second UFO shows up at :29 seconds:
During the Fairchild AFB Skyfest Airshow Thunderbird performance, two UFOs appear at :05 and again at :38 moving at incredible speed from lower right to upper left near the performing high speed jets. The slow-motion video shows the jets moving at almost 500 mph looking slow in comparison to the UFOs moving many times faster. The first UFO is white and passes in front of the approaching jet, and the second is black and smaller, following behind the ascending Thunderbird jet.
Some commenters on YouTube and on Reddit suggest these could be birds or even weather balloons, but how could such objects travel so fast? Perhaps a remote-control drone? The first flashing white object may have a different explanation than the dark solid object. Share your opinions in the comments below, or join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
A really intriguing video showing multiple white orbs speeding around the daytime sky and seeming to tumble (reflecting light) has been posted to Liveleak, and discussed on Reddit:
This sighting is very similar to one in Houston late last month:
There was also a sighting closer to this one in Seattle of strange glowing white orbs in formation:
Could these sightings be related? Or is this perhaps just a case of balloons? Share your theories in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Have you ever seen UFOs like this before? Are you sure they were not balloons or birds? Report your encounter.
A group of friends witnessed strange lights hovering, moving and disappearing and reappearing over Washington for a period of over three hours. Luckily, one of the witnesses submitted long-exposure photos and testimony to MUFON (case 82641). Caution: the witness mentions flashing lights at the UFOs, but please know that it is not safe or recommended to flash lights at planes. On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 8:30 pm, my friends and I were at the western most end of Rawlings Rd in Conway WA, when out of nowhere, a light appeared just above the horizon over Camano Island. After a minute or so, another bright light appeared next to it. It was the same pattern as our previous sightings in the same area, so we instantly knew what we were seeing. We had brought along a camera, as the UFOs had previously shown up as soon as we arrived at the area. We took multiple long exposure shots of the crafts in flight, and it was revealed that whilst traveling at faster speeds, the UFO would cloak itself, and could only be seen on camera. We photographed the flight path of both objects departing the area, and it was truly amazing. About 10 minutes after they had left, they returned in the same spot, or another 2 lights with similar characteristics appeared there. They did relatively the same things, hovering and pulsating in odd fashions. They would disappear for minutes at a time, then suddenly reappear, then dart away after some time in the area. The 3rd time we saw this, one of us decided to flash a phone flashlight at it. Upon doing this, to our surprise, the craft abruptly turned towards us, in a frantic manner. It had 3 lights in the front that appeared to scan us. After that, it quickly darted in another direction and assumed a southwest bound flight path. It was during its departure of the area that we noticed a saucer shape to it. The entire craft was lit up with a large number of lights, pulsating in an intelligent manner. During the departure, we flashed lights again, and this time, it began to fly in a manner similar to an insect, going up and down, and left to right. The we realized that we had just communicated with a potential extra terrestrial, and that our lives would be forever changed. The event lasted 3 hours.
What do you think these UFOs were? Did you also see this event?
Two friends traveling together on an airplane headed to Seattle, Washington were lucky enough to spot a UFO - specifically a thin dark object zooming by - while gazing out the window, and get a photo (MUFON case 81157): We were flying to Seattle when my bud saw his black thing appear in the sky. I was able to snap the picture right before it disappeared about 10 seconds later
Could this have been a bird or just some miscellaneous debris? Or was ET doing a flyby? What do you think?
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