The JFK assassination conspiracies have been given life recently, thanks to some strange new media coverage, including a surprising article on CNN that concludes the CIA may have had a hand in it.
Maybe that's because 10 days prior, the president was pestering the CIA to give him access to NASA's UFO files. Years ago, reporter Jim Marrs unearthed a hoard of classified documents which - altogether - tell the story of a top secret group of scientists, businessmen and CIA operatives, deemed the Majestic or Majority 12, appointed by President Truman to investigate the UFO phenomenon and misinform the American public about it. Some documents - including an infamously burned memo - even detail plans to get rid of "Lancer" (JFK's nickname) due to his prying. Although these documents have escaped too much scrutiny, it was years before another investigator hot on the trail (author William Lester) would get the CIA to release two of them under the Freedom of Information Act. Here's the first of these declassified letters, this one from JFK to the CIA: The subject of the memorandum was: Classification review of all
In a second letter, JFK reaches out to NASA directly.
While I can't find these documents on a .gov web site, they don't come off as glaring frauds. They are quite similar to other files you can find on the FBI and NSA web site. In fact, they join a mound of recently declassified documents that might help prove that UFOs are real and are taken real seriously by the government and NASA.
James P. Crothers Jr.
12/18/2013 04:30:23 am
Realy not to much to say, cept, what could have been, could have been, if those who put themselves ahead of the people to protect them from harm, or those who put themselves ahead for gain, and repress others from knowleage, because, they feel there is no need for them to know. And that is not the truth. For the truth would have kept U.S. free, and transparent, new lookinglass to see with. A poor idea was put in play in 1947. namely M.J.12.
12/18/2013 10:39:08 pm
"While I can't find these documents on a .gov web site, it does appear they are legit. They are quite similar to other files you can find on the FBI and NSA web site."
Appreciate your comment and agree that we should continue to question validity of these documents. I'm comparing this document, and the source of it, to the now public, verified documents - as well as verified news coverage of JFK's interest in the phenomenon - to make this conclusion. But as with any conclusion made about UFOs, it is always wobbly due to all the secrecy and disinfo out there.
12/25/2013 04:16:22 pm
Do I believe that there is life out in the universe? Of course. Do I believe that UFOs come and go as they please on EARTH? No, of course not. Think about it people. The resources needed to get from "their" planet to ours would beyond belief. And trust me, for you people who say, "well they probably have technology that's a thousand times more advanced than ours so it doesn't take that much for them to get here.". Ok. Fine, let's pretend that's the truth. SO WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY GET CAUGHT FROM OUR PATHETIC TECHNOLOGY???? Especially in in 50's?? And reading this article/note. Sure, JFK could be talking about UFOs. But most likely talking about stuff more related to the cold war. SR-71 Blackbird was new technology that the Soviets probably didn't really know about it. Satellites to be utilized for military purposes were probably being explored or freshly utilized. I mean common guys. Think about it. Why are "UFO" sightings always in the US. I live in Canada and you'll never hear of UFO sightings up here. Americans always tend to glamorize and focus on stupid conspiracies. 9/11, now that's a conspiracy that makes a hell of a lot more sense and probable reality. People still don't believe that we've been to the moon. Guaranteed, all uneducated people. Americans live in such a bubble it's unbelievable. Oh and also, I'm just curious. I'd like to know something, if we as a species went to another planet, landed or flew into its atmosphere and then our pilots have never returned, or been captured, or shot down. Wouldn't we, as humans, send more humans to investigate, retaliate, negotiate, or something like that. SO why don't the alien species of UFOs ever return with a ridiculous army that could just destroy us!?!?!?!?! I can go on forever so I'll just stop it here.
12/25/2013 06:19:27 pm
what are you on about.There is UFO sightings constantly all around the world,not just america,its just the media choose not to put it on tv.
12/25/2013 06:34:26 pm
@JOSH: Ok. So you say that the media chooses not to put it on TV. Ok. But with today's technology available to everyone, not to mention in the palm of our hands, why is there never a clear cut picture or video footage of a UFO? And all the "more clearer" pictures and videos have all been debunked and discredited. And I clearly pointed out that I do believe that there is life outside of our planet. And I'll give you another example. So let's say that when we put the rover on Mars, there was video footage right? So why wouldn't the alien species of the UFOs have video footage of the landing on Earth or getting captured by humans, or more importantly Americans,(because Americans are apparently the only people who capture UFOs) and then come shuttle back to our planet and just completely kick our ass to get back their buddies??? Do you see what I'm getting at? I don't think you truly appreciate the planning, resources, time, sacrifices and effort put into properly plan and execute space exploration mission, let alone successful ones. And the whole thing with Wiki Leaks, and Edward Snowden, you'd think that they would have leaked something that huge to the public? I mean honestly. Can you guys just stop for a second and really think hard about what you guys are trying to "unravel". It just doesn't make sense. And that is why that majority of society will not spend and waste their time on this issue because it doesn't make sense. It's to the same equivalent that Santa Clause DOES actually exist and that there are magical reindeer that fly a big sled. Or ghosts for that matter, but let me guess. You believe i ghosts too right??
corey tate
1/14/2014 09:50:12 pm
That would be a good idea. Nobody wants to listen to your moose-fucking Canadian ass. Crawl back into your igloo before you get get your gay-ass kicked.
marty dufrene
4/22/2018 05:43:32 pm
Your very own former Canadian Prime Miniister of Defense says that hge learned that interstellar space craft are as real as the planes you seen over your head...his words and a friend of mine.
12/26/2013 09:46:19 am
@AceMan: Yes, unfortunately he is Canadian, but the Americans are the one who took him. He sure as fuck didn't get that popular in Canada, maybe on Youtube but we were definitely not the ones who made him famous. So you can thank America for that :P
1/14/2014 04:24:31 am
There have been many Canadian sitings...Fox Lake in the Yukon is probably the most witnessed, other sitings in Ottawa, Toronto and in Europe and Australia. I live northwest of Ottawa and there was a siting in Portage du Fort Quebec recently. I saw my first UFO in CA this past fall and I am a sceptic no more. I am 66 years old a university graduate (science) know a little about special theory of relativity, particle physics but we are so young, open your minds.
Uncle B
1/21/2014 03:21:36 pm
U.S.A. Bull Shiite factory!
3/18/2014 12:18:08 am
Inland Australia, with hot clear night sky and no rain or clouds. We get to see many UFO's. Jet flight paths are regular and have all the safety lights. unlike UFO's. Reports from Asia, China and Japan, not forgetting Europe Africa Great Britain and Russia! Our world view is bigger than USA and we live in one of the remotest countries in the world. Canadians need to get out more and look in clear skies. Turn off American TV and connect with the rest of the world. An education certificate won't impress those who can get here around or through space. The Brookings report stated those with high educations would be most hurt by intelligent space races visiting earth. Einstien proved he was more competent than many scholars today. Fear is a big factor here and it stops many from being objective, instead protesting before proper research is applied. It makes us look stupid if we can't handle the truth. So get out, wave smile and at least pretend we are human and intelligent. They are out there doing flybys to get us used to the fact we are not alone. Scary but true.
6/25/2014 12:55:05 pm
I agree Mathyou that there's a lot to criticize or find weak and I felt as you do for a long time-until I saw a craft with my own two eyes while stargazing with my wife. A glowing red triangle cruised right over us silently. I have also seen a small triangle of pinpoint lights appear overhead and as a friend and I both yelled out-it turned on a dime in about a 270 deg turn and vanished. I have friends who have seen far more convincing things. My best friend saw something resembling 3 strong headlights hovering 30 feet away about 40 feet off the ground. She could see trees bending over beneath them. She lost time, and found they had vanished, then two fighter jets screamed into her neighborhood pulled a turn right over her so low she made eye contact with the pilots! WTF! When you see a craft with your own eyes you will be amazed and delighted(I hope) to learn of this incredible reality we are faced with.
7/14/2016 05:40:37 pm
You can't make statements against endless possibilities. Did ancient Romanians believe people would be looking at a 6 inch screen talking to people from all walks of the earth? Flying an object with 300 plus people aboard all around the world? Or sending a rocket to space? Hell, what about light bulbs? A damn 100 foot building might have seemed out of reach. Modern day chemists would have been slain for witchcraft. So 40 years ago a periodic table had half the elements as apposed to today's. We still don't know our own possibilities or what exactly this world has to offer. So if there were other forms of life would theirs not be more advanced than our own. We want to explore other planets habitable or not, we have found ways to survive extreme conditions. So if your theory is that they aren't here it's a possibility that your wrong. They would have their own reasonable understanding for being here, unbeknownst to us. Tesla found endless energy from the air we breathe for a once in a lifetime cost of very little. But there's no money in that ( hince the reason you pay for every little bit of electricity pushed to your house). THE POSSIBILITIES REALLY ARE ENDLESS.
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