Triangle sightings are on the rise once again. One of the most famous ones from 2013 was in Austin, and it appears we may have another great one on our hands. Read the following description of a silent Triangle UFO with 3 orange lights: I was on my way home from work in Austin, tx around 8:00pm. I was northbound on mopac looking west. When i first sighted the potential UFO, it was near the large group of radio towers on highway 360. On January 15th, I saw something else in a simillar area but it flew right over my head. A triangle shaped craft with 3 orange hued lights, one for each point. It made no nosie and was gone within 8 seconds. If you have any advice or ideas, please comment. Thank you. Then watch the accompanying YouTube video... can you spot the UFO? TUS cannot but is still investigating the issue: Do you live in Texas and have you seen triangle crafts in your area recently? Report your sighting!
"The car Had to STop in Road While it HOvered There" - Mass Sighting of Triangle Craft in Austin1/27/2014
Someone submitted a compelling testimony of a sighting of a triangle craft hovering over a road and forcing the driver (along with two passengers) to stop. Not sure if this is MUFON or a police officer's secondhand report or what (it's a bit dated, happened back in November), but with the return of Triangle crafts in Texas, I felt it was important to share: First appeared in distance as 3 red lights, then appeared in front of car, about as high as the car roof and about 3 feet in front of car, the car had to stop in road while it hovered there for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, this happened next to an airport, the object was triangular in shape but the points were rounded, and the object was translucent, kind of transparent, and made no noise at all. The item was described to be huge in size. It then, drifted off to the side of the road towards the airport, then a light from the airport connected with the Object and it is lights went out and the object disappeared. There was no other traffic on the road at the time. As soon as the object disappeared the cars GPS said they needed to make a U turn. Three people were in the car during this indecent.
A Central Texan spotted a round object circling their property and behaving moves quite unconventional of a typical aircraft. The UFO was eventually joined by two mysterious lights. Here's their testimony, which was kindly submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: One large kinda round subject circeling to the right in a 4 - 5 mile radius. Was at 9:45 to 10:30 pm. Took the lighted subject about 10 seconds for a circle. Was not constand a round smooth circle. Sometimes it jumpt left and right. About 10 minutes after watching that light circeling over our property we spotted two more smaller lights to the left. They where not as bright and big and circled to the left in a smaller and much faster circle. Please let me know if there was another person seeing what we saw last night.
An investigator for the site Lights in the Texas, Connie C, got lucky - she spotted a triangle craft traveling speedily but silently through the night sky. She wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but she did share a drawing and testimony: I was backing out of a friend's driveway when I happened to glance up. I immediately became aware that I was seeing 3 strobing white lights in a triangle formation. A silver dollar held at arms length would just cover the object, as it appeared to be less than 1,000 feet AGL. I would say that the object was 200 yards ahead of me and straight up, putting it at 70 degrees (field of view). Have you seen triangle crafts in your area? Report your sighting!
A Texan driving home on FM 2722 in New Braunfels spotted a cigar shaped object slowly moving through the sky and eventually disappearing - it had an orange/red glow and was silent. The witness was fortunate enough to get a photo, which they submitted to MUFON, along with a detailed description of the sighting: As I was driving home to Canyon Lake from a job interview in New Braunfels on FM 2722 on January 3, 2014 around 11:00 a.m., I saw a bullet like shaped object floating in the sky. It was a little less than a mile away from the road to the northwest. I noticed it did not have wings, so I pulled over on the side of the road, turned off my radio and began taking pictures. There was no noise, or delayed noises coming from the object. I knew immediately it was not an airplane or helicopter. This was an object I had never seen before. At first siting the object, it seemed to be floating and moving south and had an orange-red glow on the front half and a grey metallic color on the back part of the object. I was in awe and knew I had to get a picture. After the first picture was taken, I checked to make sure the picture turned out and then went to take a second photo, but the object was gone. I started to drive off and then I saw the object far away within seconds. I took another picture. After checking the picture to make sure it turned out, I looked back at the sky where the object was, and it was gone and I did not see the object in the sky again. |
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