A reader of Lights in the Texas Sky spotted a pretty unique shooting star - or UFO - while driving. While at first, the object in the sky seemed to be simply a vapor trail/meteor at most, it changed colors and appeared to travel in a purposeful path alongside the driver. The photo below is an artist rendering. Here's the first email sent to Lights in the Texas Sky: My boys and I were driving home from Lubbock, TX to the country part of Meadow, TX. We were driving West on Hwy 211 when we noticed something in the sky at approximately 6:45 pm. We just watched thousands of Canadian Geese appear to be flying South. As we continued down the road, we noticed a jet to the left with a normal vapor trail. But to the right, there was a much shorter but thicker trail. No idea what it was. So we watched it all the way from Lubbock Hwy to Hwy 303 while traveling on 211. It started out as being a thick short white trail traveling in our direction. From what I know, I could have only assumed it was a meteor being seen outside our atmosphere. But as we continued our journey, we noticed that once we crossed Hwy 385, it appeared to be traveling in the same direction as we were. As we approached the road to our home hwy 303, it actually had by then changed to a light glowing red color like a tiny fire and eventually appeared to be traveling back up. My oldest boy is 14 and he and I are the ones who watched this intently. I just want to know if anyone else saw the same thing or if maybe our minds were just so bumfuzzled by the event that we imagined it changing directions and the setting sun gave it the appearance of changing colors. Second email sent to Lights in the Texas Sky: This happened yesterday evening. It appeared to be about an inch long if i were to guess. We watched this for approximately ten minutes until we got to our home where trees then blocked our view. I can't say whether it was still visible or not after we arrived home. With all the meteor reports from Russia and the one over California, this is what we initially thought. But as i said before, it looked like it changed directions and color but we are not sure. It was very interesting and strange.
A gracious Facebook fan of Texas UFO Sightings has shared a photo of a UFO that she saw hover in the sky, only to quickly vanish. More recently, Denton was the location of a really great orb sighting captured from different angles on different cameras. She was able to catch a quick - thought slightly distorted - photo: Any ideas?
So, a San Antonio resident has been posting video after video after video of a white orb that he constantly spots above his home - silently and speedily traveling overhead. This kind of sighting is one of the most common, consistent and bewildering. I thought for a moment that the YouTube account behind these videos - SAUFOTX - was simply uploading the same video over and over and changing the time/date stamp, just to get views. However, they messaged me and let me know that all the videos are unique and simply put, the same UFO keeps showing up over the same home! This makes it hard to "debunk" it as a weird anomaly or balloon. As if that isn't amazing, enough, @SaulLovesTacos, of San Antonio, tweeted the photo of an orb that looks an awful lot like the one captured in the videos. Are these orb sightings in San Antonio related? Most recent video from SAUFOTX, for comparison
We've got a pretty vague, but no less fascinating, UFO sighting to report out of South Texas (city unknown). @Andrea2263 tweeted "I think I might be crazy because I just saw a UFO" and then was at a loss for words on how to describe it: "it was really fast super bright it happened in a matter of seconds i can't really discribe it" Did you see anything weird in South Texas on February 25th?
A Texan tweeted about a UFO they saw, describing lights moving through the sky, the pattern of formation and the colors changing all the while. @BrayBray2323 tweeted: "Yeah man it was crazy. Lights flashing in patterns moving in a circular motion then disappearing" |
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