UFO footage out of San Antonio has made local headlines. Video that supposedly shows a large metal craft hovering and then slowly moving over downtown San Antonio has been uploaded to YouTube by a local UFO hunter (SAUFOTX - he's been featured on this site many times), and reported by local news outlets like MySanAntonio.com and Click2Houston. The problem is this doesn't look like a UFO to me, but a raindrop on a wind sheild: On this particular day a heavy storm had passed over head..I was observing the clouds when i notice a strange looking cloud like a fuzzy distortion around that area....I decided to take a photo of it using an LG cellphone...That's when i notice it appear to be a Saucer Shape U.F.O and was moving..So i began to record the sighting..When zooming in a glow and a shadow could be seen underneath it.I was able to capture it as was moving erratic.(used the top of the buildings as reference points).After some time it began to fade away and was gone...I was not sure what i had witness that morning..It was until later after analyzing video i realized...It was a Huge U.F.O using Camouflage Technology..In my opinion it is no Cloud/Aircraft/Drone/Weather Balloon..
Many YouTube comments also suggest a rain drop on a windshield. So the question is did SAUFOTX upload this video knowing it was not a true UFO, or were they even fooled when viewing this in person? Or could this really be some sort of alien or top secret craft? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A former pilot saw a UFO recently, and shared a very detailed account of it with NUFORC. In the testimony, a rod or cigar-shaped metal object - traveling slow and low and with no contrail - was spotted over a soccer match: Cigar-shaped object about the size of an airliner tracking slowly across the sky. Do you live in the Austin area? Have you also seen a strange craft like this? Report your sighting. Want to discuss this sighting? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Pretty interesting testimony was submitted to the site. Zeke writes about seeing a craft with bright yellow lights hover above him, before either taking off very quickly or dimming its lights. Apparently the UFO resembled another one that was photographed in Geneva, TX, in February 2010: I was in my garage writing music. I went outside to urinate and as I looked up into the sky I saw it hovering there. I know it wasn't it star because it was way too close to be a star. As I stared at it for a few seconds it slowly took off and it faded to black as if it turned all lights off or was cloaking itself. I left my phone inside that night and I regret it because no one will ever believe me. But I did find a very similar ufo photo that was taken in Geneva, Texas
Do you live along the Texas coast, too? Have you seen a UFO recently? Report your sighting!
Do you think you know what this UFO was? Discuss your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page!
It was just last month that Texas UFO Sightings reported on an eerie rattling hum that were many were hearing. Well, now we've got another report of a strange sound being heard, specifically in a Tyler neighborhood. Abbey writes: I heard a very very strange sound at three in the morning. I breast-feed my child so I had been awake for about 5 minutes. she kept pointing and saying something and I have noticed a sound coming from outside but I really do want to go to bed, so I just assumed it was either my temperature unit or my refrigerator. After about 10 minutes of hearing the sound I realized it might actually be coming from outside and possibly could be some kind of warning sound, so I went outside to check on it. It was the kind of sound that emanates the entire environment and it was loud I guarantee you if other people have been awake but they also heard it. The sound was like a horn, I listened for the end of the sound and it kind of tapered off in a very, very strange way. It lasted about 10 minutes, and I have and almost 2-year-old, and an 11-year-old that heard the sound. I'm a Christian Sunday school teacher, and I heard a sound that seemed out of place and I cannot think of what it could possibly be, although I'm open to ideas. Did you hear anything weird like this as well? Report it! You can discuss the event in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Three lights forming a triangle can be seen hovering over a McAllen neighborhood in a photo submitted to the site, along with testimony - from a witness who wishes to remain anonymous. That is not surprising, considering how much the event frightened her: My daughter and I were outside, south McAllen 8 miles from Mexico, and this triangle light was floating for a few minutes I took picture and went inside This photo was one of many snapped, supporting the statement that the lights hovered for a few minutes. The witness also shared that when they went back out to see the lights shortly after, they were gone. Did you see these lights as well? Texas UFO Sightings just reported on an eerily similar event that happened in Richmond the night before, as reported by two firefighters. Compare that photo to this one: After all of that alarm, however, the witness stated that with Space X, and heavy border control, nearby, anything's possible. Have you seen a triangle formation of lights like this in Texas recently? Report it! Want to discuss this sighting? Share your thoughts in the comments or head over to the Facebook page. |
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