"Spherical ... Metallic Gray ... Lights Flashing All ARound" - The Weirdness Continues in Houston3/31/2015
Remember the strange lights over the Houston area recently? Well, a similar photo was sent to Texas UFO Sightings, along with detailed testimony. The UFO report depicted a "spherical and metallic gray" object hovering for quite some time and then moving upward, and finally - morphing its shape and then speeding away: At about 2:30am I saw what I thought was a star close to the moon, but when I looked closer, I noticed it was changing colors. I went home and retrieved my video camera. The video is really shaky as I had never seen something like this before. I've seen disc shaped craft two days in a row, but this was the third sighting and it was different. At first, when I tried to zoom in the object kept vanishing from the camera screen. I tried twice and the same thing happened, but when I tried the third time the object had moved up slightly and I was able to record the object. It was spherical and metallic gray. It had lights flashing from all around it. The lights kept changing color, from white to purple, then yellow, then white again. The night sky was so dark that the lights were reflecting too much, so you can't see the object, only the lights. I recorded the last segment for about 3 minutes and 47 seconds. In that time the object went from a spherical shape to the shape of a disc, then it made itself look like the moon, then it went to back to the spherical shape. Then it was gone. Did you see this UFO as well? In fact, have you seen any strange things in the Texas sky in the last few moths? Report your sighting!
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Really great video featuring an object with two bright lights checking out Downtown Dallas hit YouTube. The witnesses on camera speculate that it might be a drone, but are perplexed by its jet-like sounds and impressive speed: Did you see this as well? Many people should have! Help solve the mystery and report your sighting.
Can you identify this flying object? Are we seeing a drone? Like any unknown phenomenons, UFO sightings are difficult to investigate. With drones getting more and more popular, it certainly won't get any easier.
A couple of guys in East Texas have been seeing a blinking star-like object in the sky that... moves! for a while now. And they did a great job at capturing it on film, as they had a tripod in hand and even lit up surrounding trees to try to give some perspective. Check out some video screenshots, a plea from the witness for help with this investigation, and watch part 1 of the video below: Choey Mil... Here's video part 2, which is longer and more detailed.
The witnesses suggest this might be the ISS but are surprised by its blinking, clear visibility in the night sky (apparently they knew folks who saw this in Louisiana too), and the fact that they have seen this object several times now, but from both the South and East! Have you seen this too? Report your sighting. Got ideas on what this could be? Share them in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A solid light has been speeding around a Whitehouse, Texas neighborhood - or perhaps multiple lights have been. Check out this detailed testimony (submitted to MUFON) from a woman who witnessed this with her husband: A light type orb, traveling west, caught my eyes, I stepped outside and I was able to see light orb traveling west, 3 times over and my husband saw this as well. I was washing dishes and looked out my window and this light caught my eye and it was traveling pretty fast and would get brighter..I then yelled for my husband to come out and I pointed him in direction of the light and he was able to get a good sighting as well. It then disappeared and he went back in and I felt this wasn't over, so I waited and watched, and within 8 minutes or so, there it is again and it was in very same place we saw the first one, still traveling, no blinking, there was a plane out right before I saw the first one and you could see that it was a plane !! When my husband came out the second time...again...He saw it too!!! It took about 20 to 30 seconds for it to disappear!! Again, it would brighten, and dim, but traveling fast in a straight line! I grabbed my chair and stayed out at this point and within 5 minutes.., AGAIN!!! Same light moving across the sky and brightened and was also in very same location !!! My husband witnessed this happening with me and I am not sure what these lights were but very interested in what these lights were. The glow was light, almost star like. Not pulsating, just brightened and dimmed and then would disappear!! All 3 exactly alike!!! Even the birds in my backyard were behaving strangely and 1 flew up to my face and"screeched" at me, during the sightings...kind of scared me!!! Lol' Did you see this phenomenon as well? Report your sighting!
Sure doesn't sound like a drone or a plane and it's certainly no star or satellite. What say you, Texas?
A South Texas resident witnessed and filmed a bright orange light traveling and hovering in the night sky: Drone? RC plane? Aliens? What could this be? If you saw this UFO as well, report your sighting!
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