Canyon Lake has been very actively lately! A star gazer witnessed a UFO through binoculars - it was cylinder shaped, and almost appeared hollow. It descended to the ground at one point and then hovered. Read the MUFON report: Stargazing as usual, 9 pm viewed something not a star too wide too bright. Viewed with binoculars and saw cylinder shape, definition of a structure. Snapped at least 20 photos zoomed in and saw it was definitely a cylinder then other views showed an end as if looking down a hollow pipe, later pictures again showed closer definitely structure encaved, and a cylinder body. The object zoomed a few feet down then became stationery for two hours before the clouds moved in.
Although the witness refers to photos, none were attached to the report.
Do you live in Canyon Lake? Did you see this as well? Report it!
A parent and son witnessed a very frightening craft overhead - a dark diamond shaped craft, specifically, which created a "ripple in the sky" when it sped off. The parent used to be in the military and was still not able to explain the UFO. They even used SIRI to track flights overhead, and that didn't explain it. Read the anonymous report submitted to the site: My son and I were leaving Wal-Mart and looked up to see an object in the sky. I was in the military and work for an airport. This was nothing I had seen before. I quickly asked Siri to show me flights above me. Only a few showed up ( United, Delta and air Canda). It scared me a bit but I made light of it. My son was truly scared. It was moving fast then quickly disappeared after about a minute. We watched it move. My son described it to look like a ripple in the sky when it started moving. This is at night and where we live you can easily see the stars and anything in the sky.
Texas UFO Sightings can't confirm the exact day this was seen and is trying to follow up for more detail. in the meantime - can you help solve this mystery? Maybe you saw this UFO as well and got photos or videos? Report your sighting.
"It looked like a large machine with two massive wings" - Star Trek like ship seen in Arlington3/27/2016
A Facebook follower of Texas UFO Sightings was kind enough to share a detailed report of a UFO she witnessed, complete with a drawing. She event compared it to a space ship from Star Trek, to help paint the scene: saturday morning 3-26-16 about 7:23-7:27 clear blue sky (I noticed some clouds maybe a storm system that had passed the day before looked to be out past Dallas or a little north) Me and my daughter 15 year old 16 in may were driving to work east bound i20 from white settlement to south cooper in arlington . As I was passing 35west and notice a single cloud kind or dark like a blue grey storm cloud from our distance it looked to be about the size of a blimp it kept my attention because it seemed to be moving but not in a left right back or forth motion but more like a cloud of starlings except a more tight opaque "cloud" so I tap my daughter and show her the cloud and she see the same movement and was just as surprised as I was - we continue heading east into Arlington passing little road and green oaks and as the freeway bends we end up directly in the path of what we were seeing ..... It kind of seemed to be transforming into something, I don-t want to say a ufo, because it wasn't a flashy light or some disc. it looked massive (I post a pic I just jotted in the car,1 of what I found on the internet that best describes what I saw and a vid of a cloud that pretty much moved the way I saw ) it looked like a large machine with two massive wings that the only way my daughter could describe as two spider legs ...and when I drew the sketch that's exactly what I saw but again it was huge kind of blended in with the sky well we were watching a commercial jet passed in between us and whatever this thing was and it made the plane look minuscule .about this time im passing bowen rs about to exit cooper- this thing literally took off, not like some light zipping across, but it literally went so fast, it looked about 2 1/2 3 inches in diameter from where we were and the just started bolting east and got smaller and smaller until it was just a dot and the it was gone . I don't know what we saw ,if anybody else saw or has seen something similar or maybe had an explanation ....please let me know
Wow! If this is really what the witness says it was, good chance someone else in the area saw it. Were you also a witness? Share your sighting.
Want to discuss this sighting? Head over to the Facebook page.
A Dallas area resident was shocked to witness a red circular light hovering silently - "larger than any known aircraft," only to vanish mysteriously, but not before seeming to cause the surrounding clouds to turn red. Alex writes: I was outside in my backyard when I looked in the sky I saw a bright red orb. It did not move, flash, or anything it was just solid. Then after about 1 minute it vanished in a weird fashion. It vanished from the bottom of the circle to the top almost like activating a cloak in a futuristic movie. Then immediately afterwards half of the sky slowly turned from gray to pink to red, it stayed red for 2 minutes, and then turned an orangish yellow color and stayed like that for a couple of hours. I have a picture of the sky but not the craft as i was dumbfounded and did not have my phone on me, and my phone would not pick up the colors very well so the photo has a slightly increased saturation (20%) to show what was actually seen by the eye; And by the time I realized I should take a picture thats when the ufo disappeared futuristic style. It was completely silent no booms or strange noises, at least from where I was I dont know about other areas.There was no way this was a meteor or any KNOWN human aircraft or missle as it was stationary, made no noise, and very large. Larger than any known aircraft. This also happened exactly after a thunderstorm warning for tarrant county. But this was no lightning bolt as it lasted too long, had no sound for its size, and the sky suddenly changed color.
Did you see this as well? Can you help verify this sighting? Report it!
An intriguing report has hit NUFORC, detailing several balls of lights - but not your Chinese Lanterns-style lights - lights that blink. And seem to chase each other: I observed several balls of fire and strobing lights that seemed to be chasing each other over the night sky over Wylie, TX, on 3/21/16. |
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