On April 25th, two friends observed a glowing craft - first a triangle than a boomerang - heading Northwest. Here's the full report: Sitting outside with a friend in East Dallas looking at the stars when my friend pointed out movement overhead. We observed an object about 1000 to 1500 ft above. What we saw could easily have been overlooked at first as it was emitting no light or sound. The object which was about the size of a plane, at first seemed triangular in shape but subtly changed in shape (kind of like mercury) to a boomerang appearance and at times ovular it was a dull grey color with a hazy mist and seemed to at times have a faint glow. We watched as the object moved NNW. 2 to 2 minutes later we observed a second boomerang-like object much more elongated and thin than the first. This object could have at first glance passed as a flock of birds flying in V formation however it was solid, emitted a low glow and was heading smoothly NNW as well.
An Austinite caught a glimpse over a UFO at about 1 am earlier today (or last night). They saw a strange light in the sky that hovered over some trees and gradually dimmed. Was this a star fading as day time hit, or something else?
![]() Artist Rendering of Cloud-like UFO Sighting Someone spotted a really strange craft moving across the sky in Denton on April 20th. It looked like a speedy cloud or cloaked craft - and for this avid sky watcher, it was clearly not a natural sighting. I turned to share his vista and saw a cloud-like mass, seemingly translucent, yet well organized, in a form similar to an oyster. This shape traversed the entire sky from south to north in three or four seconds. It was impossible, under the circumstances, to determine how high it was, but from the amount of light it reflected back down to the city below I would have to say it was less than two miles up and it passed by us a little over a mile away to our east. It was hard to see well until it went over I-35 less than a mile to our north. It kept its basic shape throughout its trajectory, but as it distanced over the brighter lights of the highway it became more apparent that it had a flying wing sort of structure, which is the way my companion preferred to describe it. Read more at UFOCasebook.com.
![]() Drawing Submitted to MUFON Lightsinthetexassky.blogspot.com caught a great description of a UFO encounter in Poteet, TX - just south of San Antonio - from April 21st. Apparently, multiple lights zig zagging over the sky, a fiery meteor-like object, and even a "monolith" with beams shooting out it, were observed in the night sky for about 30 minutes. The UFO witness reported into MUFON and even shared what I think is a drawing of the encounter. It's worthwhile to note a passenger plane was also spotted among the UFOs, reminding me of other recent sightings of planes with UFOs in TX (1, 2, 3). Some of the mystery lights and the plane did indeed show up again over the next few nights. Here's an excerpt from the full report: 10:32 PM directly above noted a second set of flashing white lights lower in altitude and closer to my position. Again just three flashes with about 3 to 4 seconds between flash. Each flash became bigger and closer down from the sky and on the third flash, I was able to see a monolith between the source of the light and my observation point, See Fig 1. The monolith could have been producing the light or it had flown in to intercept the falling object that was producing the flash of lights. If we use an estimated height of 100,000 feet AGL, the monolith was the size of 1/8 inch in length (0.125) and 1/16 inch wide (0.0625) as seen from arm’s length at ground level or the monolith was about 1,040 feet in length and 520 feet wide.
I was so amazed in what I had just witnessed, I do not know how much time had passed when suddenly a white laser beam type light shot out from the exact location of the monolith in a slight arc path towards the northeast direction. The beam shot out for a short distance no longer the diameter of our full moon and seem to be aimed towards outer space. Earlier this month, on April 8th, a Del Rio resident spotted a strange orange light zig zagging from left to right in the sky, and then mysteriously fading away. As a veteran sky watcher, he was pretty impressed by the sighting and ruled out jets or other typical aircraft. It was 8:04 PM on Easter sunday (8 April 12) and I was walking with my dog back to my house. The was lowering in the sky behind us, but it was still pretty bright out. I noticed the bright orange light which was similar in apparent size and slightly brighter than venus. However, I noticed it was in the wrong part of the sky to be venus (I was facing East). Also, I noticed the object was moving from right to left (south to north). At first I assumed it was an airliner, but it appeared way too bright and didn't have any navigation (red/green) lights or anti collision (strobe) lights. It flew in that level path, never changing altitude. It took about 30-40 seconds for it to cover my field of view, going right to left. I took the dog in the house and then immediately went to the back yard to see if I could see it again. It was still following on the same path, until it started to fade away. It took about two full seconds for it to fade away (think dimmer switch). I live next to the local airport and there is a military air field here too (Air Force). I thought it also might be one of the jets in after burner, but the jets only use after burn when departing and terminate the after pretty shortly after takeoff. Also, jets rarely fly on Sundays unless they are returning from a weekend cross country sortie. There were no scheduled sorties for that day or time and none of the arrivals into the airfield call for the aircraft to fly a south to north path north of the airfield like the flight path of the object I saw. I've lived here nearly three years and haven't seen anything like that before and I haven't seen anything since.
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