A couple of Texans were in awe of a collection of orange lights hovering over them in the night sky. They remained stationary for a couple of minutes, and then appeared to fade out (according to the commentary, the footage doesn't show this). These are clearly not planes, helicopters, or satellites, but they might be military flares or Chinese lanterns. Any ideas? Anyone else see this? Let me know! Watch the video, captured by Malika Duke and uploaded by a UFO channel on YouTube:
We've got some beautiful footage of dozens of UFOs filling the night sky over Tomball, Texas. They look like fireflies, blinking off and off. However, they do look an awful lot like Chinese Lanterns, and that's what local Chris Bounds says in a YouTube comment. Despite the "debunking," Bounds - oddly enough - is a fan of UFOs, as he liked a video about Wikileaks and UFOs a year ago. Because of this connection to UFOs, I would like to know a little more about Mr. Bounds, just to make sure he's not part of some kooky disinfo scheme. I'm 99% sure that's not the case, though. : ) Are these Chinese lanterns or UFOs? Let me know what you think in the comments! Here's the YouTube comment: This was around 9:30 PM CST just out side of Tomball. They are Chinese lanterns lunched from a party off Ezekiel Rd. near Hufsmith Kohrville Rd. They were red with a flickering white light at the bottom. They moved kind of fast because of the bad wather we where having. They could be seen for miles. Calls came in from Tomball Parkway near the Santikos Silverado IMAX Movie theater. I was out there on patrol and saw them 1st lunched. I then found where they where coming from. - Chris Bounds Here's the video: A video of confirmed Chinese lanterns, to compare:
We've got video out of East Texas of a pair of bright orange lights, sometimes turned on at the same time, but sometimes blinking on and off, almost as though they're talking to each other. Are these the lights of a normal helicopter or plane? The object appears to be stationary in the sky, however. Satellite perhaps? Let me know if you have any ideas. Here's the video, uploaded by a UFO video collector (which is why I don't have too many details on this sighting):
A family witnessed a glowing orange orb pass over their house (satellite?), and apparently there's a cell phone picture of it - unfortunately we don't have that on our hands, or much more detail than this MUFON report (yet): -My son and I were sitting in the back yard enjoy a fire and talking . when I noticed a red orange glowing ball coming from the north passing directly over my house . Told him look and he went to get his mother and brother and then my son pulled out his cell phone and begin to record it we stood and watched it pass over until It disappeared
Now, this couple are already into aliens, so their conclusion that ET stopped by for a visit should be taken with a very hefty grain of salt. However, their feeling that this was almost more of an organism than a mechanical craft, and that it was trying to communicate with them, is nothing new at all. Here's the full, very intriguing MUFON report: Just north of Houston, TX. We were laying in the backyard, looking up at the night sky, we like to watch the stars, etc. at night. Sometimes the ISS soars overhead or a meteor shower can be seen so we like to take advantage of the lack of light pollution when we can. |
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