No photos or video for this post, but trust me it's worth the read. A Texan was woken up by six-inch-tall "aliens" who led him outside his home, where there were UFOs in the sky. He then boarded a triangular ship, which included even more of these "aliens." As terrifying and bizarre as this experience was, the worst was yet to come: these entities then showed him visions of lava coming out of the Earth, buildings collapsing, people dying, and a blood-red sky... and get this, all coming soon in December 2013. Was this just a great example of a nightmare accompanied by sleep paralysis, or is this another alien abduction case to add to the books? We recently shared another local case of "sleep paralysis" (or abduction) in South Texas, and it also included a UFO sighting. Here's a drawing submitted to MUFON illustrating the encounter, anyone understand the symbols? Either way, the witness' testimony is a great read, whether he's simply recounting a bad dream, a real abduction, or just making it all up: - To start off, I can't remember my entire experience due to some of the abduction. I remember half of it but not fully. - -- I was sound asleep when suddenly it felt like I couldn't move. I awoke to find four six inch tall figures standing in my bedroom beside my bed staring at me and it looked like they were communicating to one another. They took me by the hand and led me to their space craft. Outside were around four to five other objects in the sky. The one I noticed that looked unusual was a flat square UFO, almost like an I-Pad but it had no windows or anything, just hovering in the air. I was led into a Triangular ship which had tables and other occupants of the crew. They sat me down on the table while the room got brighter until I blacked out. During my experience, I was seeing strange things in my mind. It showed the Earth in space with lava coming out of the Earth. I could see many more oval shaped UFO's flying around on Earth, they said there was an invasion coming sometime this year or next. I was shown people dying, buildings collapsing , the ground exploding, the sky was blood red, that's about all I remember seeing. I couldn't remember much of anything else during my experience but I do remember hearing something of December 21 2013-14. I am still recovering from the abduction but this was mainly about all I can remember at the time.. all I can say is I believe there is an invasion coming and we need to be ready, we need to prepare for this.
On the night of the 26th, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus formed a triangle and for anyone who noticed, it was likely a beautiful sight. On the same night, a Texan spotted a triangle formation of lights, but he thinks they're drones or something else more mysterious - not just stars. In his original testimony (which he posted on web site he contributes to), there really is no reason to assume the UFOs aren't stars. However, in some follow up comments, a person who saw something similar in Wisconsin stated that they were multi-colored and actually disappeared after a while - that sounds more like a drone to me. As always, though, you can be the judge. Check out photos and people debating the sighting below. Star formation vs UFO sighting: Here's the full UFO report, posted on the witness' web site, called "From the Trenches World Report": Don’t laugh at me as I had seen something along the lines of a UFO sighting a little while ago 9pm central time 5/26/13 in West Austin, TX. The pattern was along the lines of the simple photoshop image that I created as I didn’t have a camera with me and when I got home and grabbed my camera, it was gone. The pattern of lights stayed in the air until about 9:30pm and I was getting a pizza with my wife at Caesars Pizza near an HEB grocery center off of the I-35 and Parmer Rd in Austin, TX. We noticed no one even thought anything of it and went on with their daily lives as though it was nothing. And here are some quotes from the debate that rages in the comments section of this "blog" entry - were these UFOs or Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, or a few drones parked in the night sky? It’s just a drone. I used to see them all the time in Oregon. -us Here's a little more context, another recent Texas UFO sighting that the witness says his encounter was similar to: ![]()
We've got footage of multiple orbs in the sky, flying around, but mostly hovering in odd formations. They appear bright orange and feature some weird marks when zoomed in on. The witness claims to have seen a total of 13 UFOs over a period of just 20 minutes, and according to some comments, he's not the only one who saw this display. They seem to fly around a little more intelligently than Chinese lanterns, and they don't resemble helicopters or satellites. He posted 2 of the 5 videos he made (you can watch them below). Here's the first video: And the second: And the YouTube descriptions: First round of UFO we missed to record. there were 4 of these orangey spheres flying at a low level. came from the east from above lake Houston. no noise whatsoever. They were flying slow like a helicopter, not fast enough to fly with wings' lift! They came slow then speed up a little, then slowed down until disappeared, covering about 10-12 degrees of the sky. flying about 2 miles above the ground and 5-7 miles away. two commercial airplane flew just on top them, they must have seen them too. You can here their noise. I have a total of 5 videos capturing 13 unidentified flying objects over the period of about 20 minutes above North East Houston TX. This was last night May 25, 2013. This is the first video that I captured. I won't post the rest! If you want them, send me a message. This is nothing like anything I have seen before. I am 36 years old and qualified with high educational degree in engineering. No BS. And a comment: I saw this too! I was pulling up to The gas station with my boyfriend and I told him "look! Aliens!" and he saw the lights too. Orange lights one into of the other. Then we parked to get gas and I got out trying to find them again and nothing. They were gone. -candablo We've posted night vision UFO footage from YouTuber "theyreoutthere" before. Like other local UFO chasers, he's a firm believer that ET is visiting and that's his conclusion for the UFOs he frequently captures on his night vision camera. However, could these UFOs really be satellites or planes? The two UFOs featured in the following video do seem to appear out of nowhere and travel with some intention, however the straight lines they travel in really give them a "satellite" feel. A debate is currently going on in the comments for this video (and you can read them below). First of all, here's the video: And the video description: I spotted two separate ufos moving very slowly. The first one was around 9:30 pm and the second was 9:43 pm. I used a sony dcr-sr82 video camera and a yukon ranger digital night vision monocular. And a few interesting comments: We see these very often from the back of our building, my son also talks to them and waves to them, he asked them to give a sign that they knew of his presence and they glowed brightly, this happened twice when he asked, he believes they communicate by thought... -pjakobsson126
Apparently, UFO reports spiked on the night of May 22nd, thanks to the flight of the first solar plane, which can fly day and night without fuel emissions (amazing). It landed at the DFW Airport at 1 AM on Wednesday. The extremely large craft is definitely a cool sight, and its slow and silent movement, large amount of lights, and hovering abilities would most certainly have caused a passerby to scratch their head. What makes this story even more intriguing is recently we heard about a mass UFO sighting in the town of Quincy, MA - of "an airplane ... buzzing around the city, flying low and slow." As if that isn't spooky enough, the FAA knows what's up but isn't telling! A Quincy resident said "it's more than weird, it's frightening ... I don't know if they're looking for somebody ... they won't tell us." The only thing the FAA had to say about the matter is: "aircraft is not a drone, it's manned, and we have to be very careful this time." Could this solar plane be what Quincy residents saw? And if so, why is the FAA being so creepy about it? Here's a video of the "UFO" landing: Here are a few quotes from a local San Antonio news story about it: The carbon fibre Solar Impulse, with a 208-foot wingspan, flew in from Phoenix during its second leg of a cross-country trip that began May 3 from the San Francisco Bay Area. The plane is the first able to fly day and night without fuel or polluting emissions. I'm not seeing any of the UFO reports really, but there was one submitted to MUFON and I think it might be describing this plane leaving the DFW airport: My friends were outside waving for me to go outside and look. I looked towards the DFW airport direction and saw a cigar shaped object with red & green lights on the ends and a red light in the middle that was flashing. It was swaying back & forth changing direction. It kind of resembled a plane but it swayed oddly. Wierd! it slowly drifted towards the south. it was hard to see it at times because of the trees. it was kind of scary I've never seen anything like that before Here's a video about the recent mass sighting in Quincy that the FAA is mum on: |
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