We've got a long and very compelling video of a bright light hovering in the night sky and also surveying the scene, moving about slowly in different directions. The Houston resident who spotted it first thought it was the ISS, which was indeed supposed to pass over the area at that time. However, when it stopped in mid air, that's when the sky gazer decided to start filming. A helicopter also enters the frame at one point, giving some reference to the strange object and pretty much debunking IT as a helicopter. The UFO eventually fades away, but by that time, the witness' camera had died. Here's what he captured: Here's the witness' description of the sighting, from SightingsReport.com: It caught my eyes when I thought it was the ISS because it was suppose to pass over head at "10pm Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 76 degrees, Appears: NW, Disappears: SSE", but then it stopped and that is when I pulled over and started filming, facing NNW at Westheimer and Kirkwood Houston, TX. The other object was flashing red but very hard to see and can not catch it on camera. About 10 minutes after filming due to low battery the light slowly dimmed away. In the Video a helicopter was captured giving a perspective on how bright that object is.
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What's up in Fort Worth? UFOs seem to have been checking in on the city a lot recently. A few videos were uploaded to YouTube, showing a bright white orb - kind of like a satellite or drone - flying around a hilltop and at one point disappearing behind it, only to return again. The UFO moves in every direction and is quite slow, so it's definitely not a plane or satellite. Problem is it doesn't exactly look like a helicopter, either. Drone maybe? It appears to be investigating something around the hill, as it hangs around it for quite some time. That sighting happened on the 25th. But the night prior, another Fort Worth resident shared their story of seeing a similarly strange-behaving satellite like-object with MUFON (read more below). What makes all this more intriguing is both witnesses say they've seen lots of UFOs in the area - this is nothing new. Let me know if you've seen them, too. Watch as a bright white orb circles around a hilltop and disappears behind it: And then returns, moving in all directions - up, down, left, right, and seeming to be quite curious about the area below: Here's the description the witness provided of this encounter: Recorded 6-25-13, Fort Worth Texas 9:30pm facing SE. No sound associated with the flying object flashing white, red, blue. Appeared in the SE sky above the treeline and then descended in a somewhat erratic flight pattern, disappearing behind trees. Came back about 5 minutes later and then disappeared again. Multiple UFOs have been witnessed in this area over the past 2 weeks - this was one that stuck around long enough to actually be filmed. (See Pt 2 for it's return) And last but not least, here's another report of a Fort Worth UFO from the night prior, and it's awfully similar to the UFO shown in the above videos: A couple of weeks ago I had seen a bright planet looking light over the houses across the street that slowly moved away and light dimmed leaving only an outline of a transparent round object. This was the first UFO sighting that was completely different than all others. Since then I've been out gazing at the sky at all hours of night looking for moving or unusual objects. I normally see several satellites moving across the sky, which look like small stars moving at constant speeds. Monday morning at 5:15am I was looking and I had been checking out satellite positions on the NASA Satellite Web site. I was looking straight up when I noticed what first appeared to be a Satellite moving from NW to SE. As it passed what appeared to be a far away star the little light started following the bigger light at a slower speed. In addition to seeing the light it appeared to have an outline of an cigar shaped body that was mostly transparent except from the reflection from the bright Moon. The cigar shape was towing the light behind it. It could only be seen briefly as it moved away from the light. Ten minutes later I saw another solid bright light moving East to West at a similar speed as the first object. I was able to get a better idea of the height of this object as a fighter jet flying at high altitude with red lites flashing flew overhead. Both the plane and the object appeared to be at similar heights over 40,000 ft. I had another high altitude jet fly by at the same height a few minutes later. Both jets were flying in normal flight patterns of traffic at high altitudes maybe upwards 40,000 ft. Higher than normal. I was able to see a slight reflection of the object where it wasn't lit up, that's how I new it was close to the height of the planes because I could see the unlighted bottom of the planes also. I went back in to check the NASA site and there were no Satellites flying over Texas at anywhere near that time. So that would make them unidentified. This sighting wasn't nearly as dramatic as the one two weeks ago but very interesting. I have no doubt the past sighting was from something out of this world. The memory is burned into my mind.
A great local UFO investigator, Sunny from LightsintheTexasSky.com got to see something herself, for a change. While she didn't have time to snap a photo, she did illustrate what she saw: Here's Sunny's description of the sighting, which you can also read on her web site: It was 2:55 p.m. and we were just leaving Eastland, headed home on Hwy 112. I was riding in the passenger seat and just happened to glanced out to the East. We were headed North and had just passed the airport. It was then that I noticed something in the sky that made me do a double take.
Photos aren't too detailed, but luckily he submitted a full description of the sighting to MUFON: y Watching sunset; appeared 30 degs over horizon
A veteran star gazer saw what at first looked like a plane - a blinking light gliding across the sky. However, when it vanished in thin air - or at least turned off its light - the Katy, Texas resident knew there was something far more mysterious to it. They reported the UFO sighting to Latest-UFO-Sightings.net in hopes that someone else may have seen it, too. If you saw something in Katy earlier this month, please let me know! Here's the full report: Every night around 4am I walk out the side door of my brother's garage and look to the night sky and enjoy a few mins of moonlight. This morning however the moon's position was out of view and my attention was drawn to a blinking light moving slightly across the sky at a high altitude. The sky was very clear and there was not a cloud in sight. At first the light appeared to be part of a constellation, but after about a min of watching, it seemed to move across the sky. Although at a great distance, there was clearly mass to the object and encouraged the idea of an aircraft. The blinking light made me think airliner. after moving at a steady rate across the sky for about 2 mins the object completely disappeared. I stayed outside for 15 mins looking for a trace and it was nowhere. The object was well within my field of view when it suddenly lost luminescence and the red light stopped blinking. I send this in only in hopes that someone else may have seen a similar object at this time and place.; I send this as more of a record of statement. |
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