A UFO has been spotted in Stephenville, Texas city known for strange areal phenomenons. In the YouTube video below, you can see one bright star-like object wandering around the night sky, moving in circles: The thumbnail is THIS UFO blown up - it's shaped like a jack-n-the-box head. These have been passing every single night that we look up. Some dim, some bright, traveling north south east or west. The other night I saw 3. I thought they could be satellites since they are illuminated by the sun, shortly after sunset, but you never know.
The UFO appears to be too high up and fast to be a typical plane, drone or satellite, but until we learn more, it will be hard to crack this case. If you also live in Texas and have seen a UFO recently, report your sighting!
Video of a lighted craft hovering in the night sky has been posted to YouTube. In the video, a father and his young children can be heard discussing the sighting and debating whether or not they are looking at a plane or a UFO: I was just outside and this happened.I thought it was a star but the it moved so I pulled my phone out
Did you see this craft as well? Report your sighting.
Think you know what this craft was? Plane flying away or toward the witnesses? Drone? Aliens? Share your opinion in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. "I've never been so happy so excited about something" - Orange Plasma Orbs Over Houston Neighborhood6/29/2016
A Texan was witness to an awe-inspiring UFO and fortunately submitted a report to MUFON about it. An "pulsating" orange fiery ball of light appeared over a Houston neighborhood and was seen by many: maybe 70 80 ft, very clear orange fire like plasma orb
Did you see this "plasma" orb too? Did you get photos or videos? Add to the story and report your sighting.
Discuss this sighting and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter.
A really interesting photo was taken by a loan officer from a window high up in their office building and posted on Facebook. After a large truck crashed into the side of the building, people went to the window to see what happened, and that's why the photo was taken. However, the UFO was not seen with the naked eye, so could just be a window reflection or lens artifact: LOOK CLOSELY: One of our loan officers caught this from our office today, I kid you not! This is not photoshopped. He was taking a picture of the black truck that slammed into the wall and later noticed the UFO. We are not alone!!! #htown
The post generated many comments, some excited by the photo and others skeptical. The only way to really find out if this photo is a hoax or something "boring" like a window reflection is to find out if other people in the area also saw this very large UFO craft.
Do you live in the Woodlands or the Houston area? Did you also see a UFO like this? Report your sighting! Discuss this sighting and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter.
A Texan has, yet again, captured some strange vapor trails, contrails, chemtrails, whatever you want to call them, on camera. In the YouTube video below, you can see a plane with a thick vapor trail behind it and the you can see the trail "turning on and off" as if it is being sprayed. Is this a typical jet vapor trail or a drone or plane spraying chemicals? You be the judge: U.S. Government geoengineering chemtrail plane spraying over Central Texas . Notice the spray coming from the entire wing from tip to tip . The plane must be a drone because it has no windows at all . The spray also cuts in and out the entire flight across the sky . Central Texas 6/20/2016 ( Nikon P900 )
Have you spotted chemtrails in your neighborhood? Send your photos and videos.
Think you know what this was? Simple vapor trail? Or something more sinister than that? Share your ideas in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter. |
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