In the YouTube video republished below, you'll see at least one bright white light moving slowly through, and also hovering in, the night sky. As well, it appears to be pulsate and even grow in size randomly! This type of sighting is actually quite common and seems an awful lot like another recent Texas UFO sighting with multiple witnesses in the Conroe area (see photo comparison above). Around the Dallas UFO, several planes circle and even a shooting star makes an appearance. A woman and her sister, mother, and kids can all be heard on camera, discussing the sighting (quotes below). Although the video itself is dark and doesn't have much reference, it's still a great watch - and listen - and is definitely a head scratcher. What thought to be a helicopter or airplane this unidentified flying or "hovering" object turned out to be some phenomenon that have us puzzled with no way of explaining. I was outside with my kids the night of July 24, 2013 around 8:30 PM when i realized this star-like light appeared out of nowhere. I then focused my attention toward this white dot in the middle of the sky and decided to get my sister and mother outside to observe what was happening. As we were watching this dot we noticed right away it was fading in and out while creating a red glow with a black center. I decided to run inside and get my camera. We went over several options that it could have been but since we live in the DFW area with airplanes and helicopters flying over us daily we have concluded this is not an airplane nor a helicopter. Upon watching this anomaly in the night sky we began to noticed several airplanes (more than usual) began to circle the object. By amazement and curiosity i continued to record the event while witnessing the white dot distort itself along with completely enlarging itself while turning red then vanishing from the sky all together and "fading" itself back into a white dot in a matter of seconds. It lasted roughly 30 minutes and then slowly moved out of our view behind the houses. We have come up with nothing to explain what this is, and have never witnessed this before. Here are a few quotes from the video: I told you it was out here! Do you live in Texas? Have you seen this UFO? Do you know what it could be? Let me know!
A YouTube video that shows a bright light traveling both up and down and also (seemingly) hovering in mid air has surfaced. Eventually, it disappears behind a house. It could simply be a helicopter or RC plane, but it's definitely no satellite or commercial plane. Any ideas? Here's the video:
A Texan has captured some pretty phenomenal footage of bright lights appearing and disappearing in the night sky, and even forming a triangle for a second. However, is this really just a case of Chinese lanterns from a wedding? So says a YouTube comment. And considering the timing (a Saturday night) and the location (waterfront), that makes some sense. Here's the YouTube video and its description: My mother and I witnessed about 15-25 red orb lights over Rockwall, TX around 9:45pm. The lights came shooting into the same area forming some type of formation over us. To say the least, I have no idea what this could be. Recored on an iPhone 4. Anyone else see this? As well as a comment identifying these lights: My friends say it was Chinese lanterns from a wedding. YouTube that and you'll see the resemblance - theaaronballard (who also commented that he saw the lights and recorded them, too) Here's real video of Chinese lanterns for comparison:
A Dallas man, waiting for a friend, experienced something both bewildering and frightening - a craft, its shape blurred by its bright green light, zoomed down from the stratosphere (or at least, appeared to) and then flew around a golf course. The witness to this event promptly called his friend up to let him know that there was a UFO above the neighborhood. At this very moment, the craft then stopped in mid air and approached him!!! Fortunately, or unfortunately?, his friend arrived in a car, scaring the craft off. This amazing encounter was detailed in a report, kindly submitted to TUS by Paul: On this evening i was parked in front of my friends house at Fairfield and Mockingbird Ln. My car was parked right across the street from the fairway at the highland park country club. I was waiting for a friend to get home from work, it was. This encounter began when i noticed an anomaly in what seemed to be space. Things in space are not supposed to emit green light. I noted the time, 11:00 PM. At this point i neglected this anomaly. After five minutes the light began speeding down to earth extremely fast. So this object flew down from what seemed to be space to an elevation of roughly 300 feet in a matter of seconds. The craft seemed oblivious to me presence in the vehicle. The craft oscillated up and down extremely rapidly +- 200 feet for 3 minutes while i sat there trying to pull my jaw back up as it had dropped. In my mind the though process proceeded as; this is not a helicopter, this is defying all laws of physics, its a ufo. After watching this craft dance above the golf course for 3 minutes i called my friend to inform him that there is a ufo in front of his house. The second i pressed send it was as if the craft intercepted the transmission and stopped dead in its tracks. I told my friend what he needed to know and got off the phone. My heart was racing but i was stiff with shock. The craft slowly began approaching my vehicle. It came roughly 400 meters away before it stopped. The craft was emitting a considerable amount of green light so it was hard to make out a shape, however it definitely was metallic and had a disk shape to it. During our stare down my friend finally pulled around the corner. My friends presence there warded off the craft and it slowly flew away very cautiously across the fairway and slowly faded out of existence above the clubhouse. The most scared I have ever been in my life. Did you see a green UFO over the Dallas area? Let me know!
A Pflugerville resident spotted something so spectacular in the sky, it prompted them to buy a "good set of binoculars." Not a bad idea. Especially after seeing something like this: two strange shiny objects nearly crash into each other, but then stop in mid air, while another shiny object joins them in a triangular formation. Then, out of nowhere, another three UFOs appear down below - also hovering. Reminds me of Conan's latest training (and greatest) session with Stephen Ho (skip to 4:00). They did this for a while and then went on about their way again, headed off to the West. Wow! Could this have been a misidentification - maybe these were flares or fragments of some kind of meteor explosion? Sure doesn't seem like that, though. Please let me know if you happen to see this! Read the full report, kindly submitted to TUS by Juan: I was sitting on my backyard looking up at the clouds and noticed the absence of aircraft and contrails. This was at 1540 hours and it was partly cloudy with a slight breeze out of the South. I then saw this shiny object moving West at a high altitude but it did not have a contrail. Then I noticed another similiar object moving North which would appear to be on a collision course. The first object appeared to stop and the second object got closer and it too came to a stop. I then looked below the two objects and there was a third object climbing to join the other two in formation. All three objects the came to a stop and remained motionless for about 15 minutes holding in a triangleular pattern. Slightly below, there were three objects that were motionless also. They were high and I don't think birds can hover as these objects were doing. So, something like this (skip to 4:00): |
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