Folks in Pflugerville were treated to quite the performance the other night when they saw one glowing orb acting oddly in the night sky... and then it was two.. and then it was three!... and then it was, weird. Courtesy of Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Texas:
What on Earth could these objects have been? ET having some fun, or maybe just some talented RC plane flyers?
Japan gets all the good sightings. Very intriguing daytime footage of a collection of 10 glowing white objects flying above Osaka, Japan - for two whole minutes - has hit the web and been shared all over YouTube and even featured in popular news outlets like,, and the Mirror: The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories. What could these objects have been? Birds? Balloons? Hoax? Aliens? Chime in in the comments or on the Facebook page. The footage is blurry and unfortunately I can't find any witness accounts online (most the comments on the videos are in Japanese and in my brief attempt to translate the comments, they appear to be mostly speculation). However, it is very important to note that this phenomenon has been seen in Japan countless times and even in Texas, too. In fact, the Texas UFO Sightings community has been abuzz about a sighting of a orbs just like this in the night sky, which looked entirely different when zoomed in on. Check out some other sightings in Japan that feature similar objects, another daytime video: well as a video of "volcano" or "earthquake" lights at Japan's Sakurajima Volcano (I was actually lucky enough to witness these as well on a live volcano cam from a while back): And last, I'll leave you with another similarly amazing sighting from January 2014, which - unlike this one - was verified by multiple witness accounts:
It was 11:08 when I noticed four blinking lights on a platform that appeared square or rectangular. It was mostly clear last night with only a few clouds. It came from the south along I35, it veered northeast over my house and did not appear to bank. It flew past my house, maybe a quarter mile, on it's north east course, when it stopped and hovered. Hard to tell. It might have been closer. The lights were very bright. I had my binoculars with me. Nothing special just an old Bosch 40 x 20. The structure between the lights was blurry. I live next to Randolph air force base. It is common for planes and helicopters to fly over at night.The lighting on these crafts make the outline of the objects show up through the binoculars. Not on this. What I could make out was a series of what might have been struts holding it together, but the detail was blurred.The lights on it were dazzling. Blue White to ruby red. It was hard to look past the lights to focus on the object. I thought I might be looking at a drone. The lights were flashing and appeared to be changing position on the platform like they were moving or the thing they were connected to was twisting or warping. My eyes were being overwhelmed by the flashes and I got a sense of vertigo from watching. When I lowered my binoculars the lights went out. I thought it disappeared but then out of the corner of my eye I saw another one. Looking just like the first. It flew to where I thought the other one was. It two was flashing the same kind of Blue white light with the one intense red one. I watched it through my binoculars but it was as blurry as the first. It flashed it's red light several times. The light was so intense it seemed to light up the inside of my binoculars. I got that feeling of vertigo again, and put my binoculars down, to rub my eyes. It was still flashing when I looked back, but then it started moving north east again. The first one I saw was back where I first saw it disappear with it's flashing lights on. It then started to follow the second one still heading to northeast, in the direction of Seguin Texas. They moved slowly, (like they were looking or scouting for something) beyond my field of vision, their lights blinking a dimmer version of the white blue light and they started strobing or pulsing pretty fast before completely fading out. I don't know if they turned them off or if they just disappeared, before living my field of view. I checked my watch it was 1118 pm. I saw them for a total of 8 minutes. But it only felt like 2 minutes for the whole thing to happen. That was kind of strange. After they were gone every time I would close my eyes I would see that red light like it seared my retina, like when one glances at the sun or a welding arch. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep I could still see it. But this morning everything is fine.Only I'm kicking myself for not having my phone or camera on me. I wanted to run inside and grab them, but I could not take my eyes off of what I was seeing, and i did not want to loose them or miss anything. That's my story. The only other thing I want to add is as I was watching the second one, for a moment I had a feeling it was watching me, watching it. What do you think this witness saw? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. And, as always, if you saw these objects as well - share!
Texas UFO Sightings reader Emilie S was alarmed by multiple large flying objects over their neighborhood - making an eerie humming noise and then vanishing without a trace. They witnessed the objects from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am with their boyfriend, and were able to get all kinds of strange photos thanks to the zoom in their camera. At first glance they saw just "orbs" but when looking through phone camera, could see more detail: Saw massive flying object/objects in the sky from our driveway in Austin, Texas late last night, July 24/25,2015, between 12AM and 1AM. The object/s made a vibrating/ humming noise and disappeared very suddenly after a long while. Keep in mind it was a half moon last night so this was DEFINITELY NOT THE MOON. Not sure what it was but it wasn't anything normal by any means. I captured 3 photos but can only upload 1 here unfortunately. I'll try to get more photos, but in the meantime, if you saw or heard these crafts in Austin, report your sighting. Have theories on what these objects could be? Maybe just a simple case of mistaken identities - was this maybe a swarm of helicopters or even drones? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. Check out this video from the night of the 25th that the witness made, featuring dozens of photos. The witness' political and imaginative take on all of this is not necessarily one that you might share, but it's not surprising at all that this would have been a shocking and perhaps even enlightening experience: My mind is blown. ![](), Texas UFO Sightings, and even local news outlets saw many reports of a bright fireball over Central Texas on the 23rd, but maybe the Delta Aquarids? are giving us an early show, because there were reports of a meteor or meteor-like object the nights before and after as well. As always, Texas UFO Sightings readers have a different take on this "meteor" - its silent nature, especially bright appearance, and movement gave them reason to report it as a UFO instead. Saying that, you're always welcome to report about any amazing thing you see in the sky - whether it's a cool cloud or meteor. First, a report submitted to Texas UFO Sightings from the 18th: what kind of like a falling star but it was the blue circular light it was gone in a few seconds but really I guess my view kind of got blocked out by a tree but it was there and it was gone... I need to know what this was... it was beautiful And here are reports from the biggest event on July 23rd, as reported by 20+ witnesses between Texas UFO Sightings and alone: Bright red light which seemed to be falling to the ground. Caught it out of the corner of my eye and within about 3 seconds it changed from red to green with a yellow tail. Guessing it to be 8-10 ft in diameter by 12-14 ft in length. Oval shaped. It disappeared into the horizon traveling at a very high speed. my wife witnessed it as well. seen in the direction of the corner of 1464 and Old Richmond rd in Sugar Land TX yesterday 7-22-15 at about 8:45pm. Did not have a camera to get photo or video. And the 24th: Green ball of light moving very fast from west to east. Saw the same exact thing a week ago at about 3:30am from a near by location. Made no sound. Almost wrote it off as a meteor but had never seen one like that. Now seeing it again, it has peaked curiosity. Supposedly, an observatory got the 23rd event on camera, but I can't confirm the origin just yet: Did you see a fireball - or UFO - in Texas this month? Report your sighting or discuss it on Facebook! Seems to be a pretty active time right now.
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