Fantastic footage of a pair of blue star-like objects dancing with each other and then separating has hit YouTube. Here's a play by play: And the full video: We've seen UFOs behave like this before, most recently in Mesquite in June. And Texans in general have been seeing lots of strange blue lights in the sky lately. While there was no description or report to go with this video, YouTuber peacemusicbelieve commented: i seen them a few times walking on I20 service road. they blend their selves with the lights. Do you know what these playful lights could be? Spotlights? If so, why does one seem to behave like an aircraft? Drones? If you saw these lights as well and can add to the story, please report your sighting!
My dad caught this ufo on tape hovering in the sky not moving. A v formation of lights. Not sure if it was a drone or what but it wasnt moving for 10 minutes till the lights just dimmed out. According to the witness description, this "V-shaped" flock of UFOs eventually just faded out.
What could this be? Since the video is a bit vague, this could simply be street lights. Or even stars. But it is interesting indeed, especially considering the recent sightings in Houston. If you saw this UFO as well, please report it. _
I was on my balcony smoking a cigarette and was looking in the sky at the stars. I noticed one was way bright and way larger than all the others and is not the correct time of year to be able to see the other planets also this was not the same color. It was a very bright clear blue similar to the color of the headlights in some of the newer vehicles. The object was stationary at first but began to move very slowly, I thought my eyes were just playing tricks at first. Then I it sped up moving directly south which was the opposite way from me. I could tell it was very high but even at that height it appeared to be the size of a street light which means it was very large. Or extremely bright light. It was hard to tell a shape but if I had to guess it would have been comparable to the shape of a bead, the ones that have the flat parts cut into them to make them not spherical. It stayed in my sight getting slightly smaller the further away for roughly a full minute. It then completely disappeared, and I know it wasn't from it just being out of my site because even at the distance it was still bigger and brighter than all the stars but it just vanished at the blink of an eye. Shortly after there were 3 helicopters flying in the area that I saw the object. I could not tell if they were private, news or military. That could be coincidence but the do have Fort Hood only 45 minutes drive time from my location an they all three flew off in the direction the object went. I personally have always believed that there was other life in the Universe however I've never been one to believe that they come here undetected and not everyone have seen it but this was definitely strange. On another not I know the government has many things going on that nobody knows about so it could have been some sort of military craft that they are testing or whatever. ..who knows. This was my first experience like this so I just wanted to share it. Could this be related to other sightings of strange blue lights over Texas - most recently in Houston and Amarillo?
And as always, if you saw this UFO as well, report it!
A pair of friends vacationing at an Austin resort naturally took pictures of their luxurious surroundings. When they looked at the photos later, they noticed in one of them - a circle of white lights hovering in the sky. While the photo itself is interesting, about a month later a similar phenomenon showed up in Houston and was witnessed by the masses. Texas UFO Sightings and other space and UFO sites are still getting reports about it. Could these two events be related? Check out the photos and testimony submitted to MUFON and judge for yourself: While on vacation in Austin Texas, we had been staying at a resort to swim. While my parents were checking us in, me and my friend were anxious to take pictures to show friends. While taking pictures we did not notice anything, until we got him and started going through our picture my friend and I noticed at the top of our picture, was little circles of light, almost in a perfect oval, all the exact same size. We cannot tell if they are their own objects, or May possible be the bottom of an UFO. This picture is too weird to be explained. If you saw this UFO in Austin as well, report your sighting!
If you have theories as to what these friends might have captured on camera, share them in the comments or on the Facebook page. ![]()
Chris F, of the Houston area, shared video and testimony of a red orb - larger and higher than a commercial aircraft - wobbling about the night sky. Although this is an older sighting, I wanted to share it because it is very similar to another April report of a red star-like object near the moon. Check it out: Red circular orb. Camera was never out of focus. Orb was like circular saw that went from white to red, released a burst of energy in the center of the circle, perhaps some energy form used for transportation and jumped large distances and reappeared beginning the cycle repetitively with bright red appearance. Appeared for nearly three minutes. Plane is captured below orb in video. Object was much higher, larger, and faster than commercial airliner. Did some predictive measurements using the light captured versus the plane light with a gamma app on my phone and the object was nearly half a mile wide. Full video is 1 minute 27 seconds. Could this just be a star and "trick of the eye" or something more mysterious? If you saw this as well, please share your sighting.
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