A YouTuber who is not a stranger to UFO sightings has posted new footage of an object hovering in the sky and then moving up and down: I was about to get off my car and saw this in the sky. It is not a plane or anything . It is 100% ufo Since this witness has posted videos of UFOs before, we can either trust their judgment more - or less, but regardless, we do have interesting footage to consider. Could this be a drone or RC plane? If you have seen a UFO in the Frisco/Plano area recently, help crack the case and report your encounter.
A Killeen resident spotted a triangular-shaped craft hovering and then moving overhead, silently. The close proximity to Fort Hood certainly makes this an intriguing account. Could this have been a military craft or something more extraterrestrial? Read the testimony, submitted to MUFON, below: I was on my way home from dropping off a co-worker after work. I was driving down Rancier Ave. when I saw a strange light hovering a little past the park. At first I thought it could be a helicopter, since I live in Killeen,TX rite next to Ft Hood and there are always helicopters in the air. As I got closer I could tell it was a triangle shaped craft not a helicopter, I couldn't hear any noise from it. I pulled into the park to continue watching it. It stayed in the same place for about 15 minutes, then slowly moved over the park. I opened the sunroof in my car to watch it as it slowly flew rite over my head. Then it changed direction from heading west going parallel with Rancier to going South-West. A few seconds after it made the turn it vanished. Did you see this object as well? Can you help crack the case? Report your sighting!
UFOs or military flares? That is the question. Texas UFO Sightings Facebook fans Jess Perry and Sandra Avila brought attention to a pretty intriguing mass sighting - a group of glowing objects hovering over El Paso and constantly appearing, disappearing, and then re-appearing again, were caught on film by many folks. You can see a few photos, read a few quotes, and watch a few videos below. Local news stations, like KVIA and KFOX14, have quoted Fort Bliss as saying these are simply "illumination rounds," i.e. military flares, which were part of a training exercise from that night. As always, you be the judge: This video was taken looking North from Northeast El Paso TX in the direction of Chaparral NM. It was taken on Tuesday August 25th, 2015 at approximately 10:00 pm. The objects you see were completely still, the movement you see is me shaking while holding the camera. They were quite low so please be sure that you disregard the moving lights toward the bottom of the video, it was cars and trucks passing on the highway that runs along the back wall of our property. There is no way these lights could have been planes or flares because of how still they were and how they disappeared and came back. This is only the end part of the occurrence as I was unable to get my phone out and start recording for a period of time. I have never seen lights in that direction as it's mostly an empty stretch of desert with some mountain ranges in the distance... Comment if you've ever seen anything like this, especially if you were in the El Paso TX, Chaparral NM or Las Cruces NM area or if you have any idea as to what this is. Good chance that if you live in El Paso, you saw this as well. If you did, please send Texas UFO Sightings your take on the event.
Got ideas on what these objects could be... or not be? Share them in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A Houston resident spotted some weird looking clouds and promptly took some photographs -- later when they were reviewing the footage, they realized they'd captured a UFO! Check out the photos, which were submitted to MUFON and show lights traveling in a V shape formation: I was taking pictures of the clouds because they appeared to be in a spiral/ almost portal shape in the sky....it was after observation of these pics that the UFO was seen. In the pictures you can see the object was headed north. I was very excited. Since the witness didn't see the UFO (or multiple UFOs) with their naked eye, it's possible this is just a lens flare or camera anomaly. However, the fact that the witness was first intrigued by strange behaving clouds (impacted by this fast-moving craft, perhaps?) and the picture shows the craft's movement lead me to take this quite seriously. Plus, Houston has been a crazy UFO hot spot this past year. Compare this sighting to the ring to lights that haunted Houston for several months in 2014, and recently returned in May of 2015 -- this photo is one of many and is part of a confirmed mass sighting that has still escaped explanation:
A pair of friends (or so it appears) come across some strange lights in the night sky while driving. The pull over to get a closer look and end up capturing three distinct red UFOs forming a triangle and then gliding off and disappearing. The witness posted the footage to the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page: Pretty intriguing. Share your ideas on what these objects could have been in the comments or on the Facebook page!
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