Over in Plano, an experienced star gazer saw something quite peculiar: a bright orange light with rough edges, very large or very close to the ground or both. It moved slowly through the sky and the witness, who kindly submitted a full account to TUS (read below), suspects it might be space junk, but is for the most part bewildered. The night before, a similar sighting occurred in nearby Dallas. The same night, meteor activity was quite active. Check out the full testimony: Saw something very strange last night (9/29/13) at approximately 11:50pm CST in the sky over our house in Plano, TX. I'm an avid "naked eye" meteor shower and sky watcher, and took two Astronomy courses in college in 2005, and while I'm certainly no expert; what I saw Sunday night has me totally baffled. Did you see this UFO? Report your sighting!
The witness to this event snapped a photograph, though the UFO looks more gray than orange in it (common), and kindly send it to TUS, along with a description: There was a thunderstorm rolling through, and the rain had just let up. I opened my door talking to my husband about the weather when i saw a perfectly round sphere it looked orange moving slowly just below the clouds changed directions told my husband " im going to take a picture ill send it to you!" It darted up diagnal and shot across right after i took the picture it disappears.
What is going on, can you please stop confusing and mystifying us, UFOs? I can't keep up! JK, you're good, and so far, quite welcome. Well, the latest sighting out of Amarillo is not helping to slow down this snowball. Someone reported to MUFON seeing an ominous "V-shaped" craft fly around their neighborhood for about an hour, and another Texan commented on it and confirmed the sighting. You can read the full report, which sounds JUST LIKE what someone in Plano saw the night before, below. Meanwhile, another video was posted of an Amarillo UFO from September 21st, but unfortunately and quite suspiciously, it was removed: Here's the original report of the V-shaped craft in Amarillo: I saw a v-shaped object, with no flashing lights just soft pink lights. It floated above me coming from the 5 north at very fast rate of speed. I saw this object 5 times within 1 ur. And 15 minutes. The last time I saw this object I could see it had a body that seemed blackbut shiney. One time it flew overhead with only .one light on, on it's left sideand several on the right. Another time an orb or flash of light left the formation at high rate of speed. I have been a stargazer most of my life and I have never seen the skies so busy with unusual lights over Amarillo like the last month.these objects lasted only seconds visibilityas they moved quickly and suddenly vanish. And a comment from a fellow witness: My daughter and I saw this and didn't know what it was. My husband saw it from the city. My dad also saw it. I noticed it looked V-sahaped. It just hovered as it seemed to us, but it was further west than the city. Have you seen a triangular or V-shaped craft making its way around Texas? Report your sighting!
An Austinite experienced their second UFO sighting a few nights ago, this time they saw a craft with lights in a triangular pattern. They submitted a description of the sighting, but unfortunately forgot to include the picture they drew of the event with it. Hopefully I can track it down. In the meantime, read on: Last Sunday 9/22/2013, I saw, for the second time in my life, a UFO. This one was from my 2nd floor (well lit) balcony at my apt here in Austin. It was roughly 9:45 p.m. Here goes... I was facing due south. The object was moving in a S/SE direction. From my view it was moving about 20-25 degrees above the horizon in a downward path to the S/SE. There was no sound. I saw it for about 7 seconds. It looked far enough away that it might be over downtown. (12 miles) It stood out from the background because there were 10 lights moving in the same direction on a clear night. These lights were arranged around the perimeter of a Reuleaux Triangle. The area in the picture shaded orange is the shape I'm describing. For reference, I will use the apex as the bottom left corner of the image I posted. This is the direction in which all 10 lights were traveling. The lights were arranged as follows: 1 at the apex, 1 dead center, 2 close together left leading curved edge, 2 close together right leading edge, and 4 equidistant along the rear facing edge. There were "wisps" coming from both leading edges as though is was disturbing the atmosphere enough to make contrails that followed the same curvature as the leading edges. No, I did not have my phone on me to get a picture or video. Not enough time before it was out of my field of view. ![]()
We've got a wobbly UFO hovering in the night sky, or a wobbly video of a UFO hovering in the night sky. However you look at it, it's still worth a watch! The following video footage was uploaded by a Spanish-speaking Texan who apparently sees these all the time. You can read his poorly translated testimony below. Is this simply a star or satellite? As always, you be the judge: This UFO record it before yesterday, yesterday I went back to record but I'm editing, well I still have such sightings are frequent, at any time of day, even if you know who they are, and I would like to take this discucion ninguana as I do not want to convince anyone, the important thing now is to see what they want and what they convey, without falling into any kind of fanaticism, because most of the people who have had this type of event and contact them , goes through great disappointment in your life, when it begins to be attacked from all sides and taking home the brunt of this contacto.Asi I'm asubir these events, but without entering into any discussion, nor discucion.El that creates this well, and he that believeth not, just do not ever see my canal.Gracias, mrtigre3000.!! |
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