Triangle and V-shaped crafts have been sighted all over Texas of late, and the latest of these might be the strangest. A couple in Cleburne spotted some peculiar looking, wispy clouds on the move - one even formed a V shape! Here's the full testimony: Wife was outside at 11pm and asked for me to hurry out. Come now! I hurried out, all I saw was a wispy cloud going against the wind. Unusual. The wispy cloud was long and elongated transparent. It was there for seconds then gone. We waited outside 15-20 minutes. We scanned the night sky with our eyes, nothing. Then from the northeast a v-shaped transparent wispy cloud was moving slowly to the northwest. We watched as it went over our house about 150-200 feet above. It was transparent whitish v-shaped. We visualized it 20-25 seconds. Then after waiting another 20 minutes, nothing else happened. We went into the house. It was cold. two instances, one elongated wispy cloud like transparent and the other was v-shaped wispy cloud
Some people see these orbs all the time, including a popular YouTuber in San Antonio. A resident of Fredericksburg has also been seeing these things for a while now, and he was recently able to get a photo after setting up a tripod to spy on them. Previously, he'd only watched the orbs through binoculars with other curious neighbors. He explains that he loves to star gaze - hence noticing these star-like objects and being so sure of their label as "UFOs." To make matters weirder, the presence of military crafts has increased of late. Here's his full report submitted to MUFON (photo pictured above): July 19th, 2013. A bright white light passed by when I was on my way home in the country. Around 10 pm. It was about a half mile distant. I would estimate its size at 20 feet in diameter. It slowly passed from north to south and disappeared. My aunt who lives nearby said she also saw it. The next night I noticed bright lights in the sky. I used to enjoy stargazing so knew these weren't stars. The following nights sightings escalated. The bright white light in the west appeared, accompanied by two strobing white lights. There were also several strobing objects whose light changed red/green/blue. These were higher in the sky. I called my neighbor who met me at our property line. We watched the lights and figured they were really strange. The following night, he brought his wife along and we stood on the back of his truck and watched and counted many more objects scattered across the sky. We used binoculars. We counted 13 of the pulsing colored light objects. They seemed to be stationed about 15 miles apart. There were eight bright white lights in the sky, scattered apart. There were six strobing white lights across the sky. The next night I looked outside and saw the strobing colored light objects. They were across the sky and were stationary. I wasn't just scared, I was terrified. The next three nights I stayed in town. The bright white light to the west is still there, though not always in the same position. I don't go outside at night anymore, though I'll peek once in a while. Sometimes I can spot one or more of the objects. There don't seem to be nearly as many as the time my neighbor and I watched. There has been unusual military aircraft activity which has not been seen in this area previously. There was an AWACS plane with its fighter escort flying at a low altitude at twilight, a C-130 flying a curious pattern in daylight. There were three black/grey helicopters flying in formation from SE/NW in the daytime. I finally screwed up the nerve to take pictures. I set the camera on a tripod with maximum zoom and set for night filming. I used the highest resolution. After converting the image to jpeg, I noticed the detail was about the same. The photo of the rectangular shape with the strobe on the side was about 2 1/2 miles distant. I discovered the rectangular shape only after examining the photo. If I had to guess the height of the rectangle, I would say it would be close to 30 feet. The photo of the bright light revealed a surprising feature. That is the halo surrounding the object. I had not seen that feature even with a spotting scope. The last photo attached is the same as the above, but enlarged on the computer.
Many "commentators" alerted the internet to the Aurora festival light show, and are quick to shrug off sightings from that night as resulting from this. The photo that received a lot of attention is pictured in the bottom right here, and many people said the culprit was clearly the Aurora light show, going so far as to show secondhand "testimony" from people working on the show. The latest video is pretty unknown thus far, though, and features two separate hazy orbs in the sky. One of them spits out smaller orbs or pieces and then sucks them back in... I wouldn't be surprised one BIT to find that this was a product of the light show. Here's the video that goes along with the picture up to your top left, as well as the full testimony submitted to I shot this video on my front porch on 10-18-13. Strange lights and zooming orbs. Ancient Aliens? I saw these strange lights in the sky and I filmed it while I could still see them flying and zooming around. I have no explanation for them and they seemed to zoom too fast and disappear to be a spotlight. Unfortunately we don't know where exactly the latest video upload hails from in Dallas, BUT we do know where the "flying saucer" photo was taken (in "Oak Hill," I'm guessing a school?), and where an apparent second witness to this sight was located (in North Dallas). Could a light show be big enough to leave such an impression on folks from miles and miles away? Did you see the light show, or a UFO on the night of the eighteenth? Please report your sighting! I'll leave you with this... the most recent comment (as far as I can find) from the witness living in Richardson/Garland area, who has seen search lights before and says these were no search lights: What I saw was not a part of any light show from downtown. I live in far North Dallas close to Richardson and Garland, which is no where even close to the downtown Dallas area. There is no way that whatever I saw was part of any light show. My husband works at the DART facility where there is a clear view of downtown. A few moments ago I was there picking him up and I saw search lights( its rainy and cloudy outside at the moment ) and they were beaming repeatedly from left to right and back again. What I saw was a circular formation of lights in a very tight pattern that glided along. I've been communicating with a rep from MUFON who emailed me several photos of UFO's that been photographed here in Texas during the past year and two of them were dead ringers of what I saw. Well anyway, I know what I saw. ![]()
A Houston resident spotted and was promptly perplexed by a stationary golden light (pictured to the right) - almost like a little fire - hovering in the sky. Although "meteor" is the first thing that comes to mind... especially considering how many have been zooming over Texas lately... but meteors don't just sit there for minutes at a time. A friend also saw it from a different part in town, and said they saw helicopters circling it at one point. ![]() Very soon, I'll be putting a post together summing up a strange trend of late... people seeing fiery red/orange light simply hovering in the sky (pictured on the left). Others have seen solid glowing orbs that have not been debunked as stars as of yet. If you've seen Melancholia (a movie I'll be reviewing soon, as anyone with an interest in UFOs will LOVE it), this is probably creeping your shit out a little bit. So, what are Texans (and the rest of the world, for that matter), seeing? A new star? Comet ISON? Please report your UFO sighting if you've seen something similar! In the meantime, read the MUFON report from the recent sighting in Houston: I was driving home from work on the evening of the 24th at 1820 CST. I was stuck in traffic and looked up and there was a stationary large object hovering and glowing. I instantly called a friend and asked if he saw it abou ten miles away. He also saw it and said it was stationary. At this time I was look up through my sun roof and passing Under the thing and it was silent and high up. Then a very low flying grey aircraft flew over and was also very quiet. My friend then informed me because I had to pay attention to the road that there were helicopters circling it. ![]()
If you read TUS from time to time, you're not new to one of the latest UFO "flaps" (as UFO nerds like me like to call them). Mass sightings of triangle-shaped crafts have really picked up over the last few months. One of the more controversial sightings came out of Austin, when a set of 3 red lights hovered over a show at ACL. Some people are quick to debunk them as Chinese lanterns, while others are not sold on that theory one bit. Regardless, there's no doubt at ALL that triangle or V-shaped crafts have been witnessed by Texans recently... video out of Seguin and Dallas (scroll down) show exactly that! The latest sightings out of Arlington and Beaumont are also terribly intriguing (you can read the reports below). One witness, who saw a triangle craft at the same time as a friend in a different part of the city, was excited and scared by the experience - they almost didn't report on it for fear others would think they were crazy. Thankfully they did! Here are some of the photos from recent sightings: And here's video from an October 12th sighting in Houston, as well as its YouTube description: Seldom do I get to see a flying craft with TRIANGULAR PATTERN of steady lights. Read a recap of some of the more impressive sightings to get reported on recently. And check out some new reports below... And here's a MUFON report out of Arlington from Oct 25th: At night, when it was partly cloudy, I was outside with my sister feeding our dogs outside when I glanced up to the sky . Than, all of sudden, an object caught my sight. This object was a large dark outlined triangular shaped object that had 5 white lights that were located at the edge of the this object. This lights made a V-shape. This object was flying slightly above the clouds. I noticed it's triangular shape when it wasn't in cloud cover and noticed it's dark outline. The way the object flew was in a straight line, slightly faster than commercial airplanes. The object, as it flew straight, rotated from when I first sighted it till I lost its sight of about 20 - 30 degrees. I lost sight of the object after it went behind the tree line. At first, after viewing the object, I felt confused because I thought it was a plane but the object didn't make a sound as well as the way it didn't make a flight path the same as an airplane. And Beaumont from Oct 21st: I was getting off work about 10:40 pm. I always look around when I leave work because I work Dispatch at a stadium and it's dark , and I have to walk to my car. I looked up and saw a triangle shaped light in the clouds. At first I thought it was some type of light for an airplane. But as I continued to watch it , I could see that it wasn't that at all. The triangle shape was almost glowing. I watched it for about 5 minutes. I then called another coworker to come outside and see it. We watched it for about another minute. Neither of us could explain it. I then got in my car and headed home and called a friend on the way, to tell him of the incident. Before I could really get my story out, he started telling me exactly what I had seen. He told me he was putting out the trash and saw the same object in the sky. It was scary, but exciting in the same. I have never witnessed anything like this in my life. Almost to afraid to tell anyone, didn't want them to think I was crazy... Tried to video it , but the video is was much to dark. Have you seen a triangle craft? Report your sighting! View Triangle Sightings Aug/Sep/Oct in a larger map |
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