Unfortunately, there are no dead giveaways either way and the witness didn't see this set of objects with the naked eye. They saw just one single bright light: The morning of Christmas facing west as I got home from work was a bright light and no other lights around it. I ran inside to get my camera with a 600 mm lens and started snapping pictures. I took about 10 in a short time then went inside to go to bed. A couple days later I viewed the pictures on my computer and saw that I had some good shots. They are all raw except that I did zoom in and try for the best picture and was surprised to see what I did. The one light I saw from Earth was actually 5 lights lined up in a row. I checked to see if iss was to be visible at that time and it did look to be. Different shape too. The stars were not visible because of some clouds and I didn't see the moon at all. The pictures reveal something other than what I saw with the naked eye. Any ideas of what this is? I have other pictures as well will send behind this one Did you notice a particularly odd bright star (or set of stars) on Christmas night? Were you able to snap photograph? Share it!
In the meantime, if you have any thoughts on to what this could be, share those, too - on the Facebook page or in the comments.
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A video showing an orange light hovering in the sky has hit YouTube. The video alone could easily portray a star, the ISS, or even a light on a pole. However, the witness description gives us more to consider: This is NOT a plane, star, ISS, helicopter, or light. This craft was a lot closer than the cell footage portrays and was even closer before I could record as I had to clear a peak for clear view. Did you see any strange objects like this in the Stephenville area? Report your sighting.
A Texas UFO Sightings reader saw a UFO speeding overhead and was able to capture a picture, however it did not due the experience justice, as all the colorful lights just appeared gray/white in it: Saw an object flying over my house at a high speed with different color lights. Green, blue,orange, red,and purple. When taking pictures the color of lights didn't appear on pictures. Do you live in the area? Did you see this UFO, too? Report it!
Houston Skywatch. Initial portion of the video was filmed on December 21, 2014 at Sunset. As you'll see the sun disappears into a particular mass of cloud cover and does not reappear. In the second and more important portion of the video are stills that I captured on November 14, 2014 in the afternoon time. As you will see, there is an oval shaped UFO or "Unidentified Flying Object" planted nearly dead center in the middle of two "X'ed" chemtrails. These are specifically NOT contrails as one may think. The spraying was consistent throughout that day and this is proof (note the tell tale milky white appearance to the sky.) Did this Texas UFO witness also see chemtrails? Or are these just simple contrails? There's not enough footage to make too many conclusions, but definitely enough here to investigate. Do you remember lots of chemtrails from November, Houston? Share your sightings.
Spectacular security cam footage of a huge glowing light visiting a Dallas area home and dancing all about has hit MUFON. The witness saw the orb in real time on the camera but was too afraid to go out and investigate, implying this was something quite unusual for him to see. A reasonable explanation for videos like these - they are not uncommon - is a bug or gnat of some kind just checking out the scene and hovering around. The reason why we shouldn't brush this off, however, is there have been many sightings eerily identical to this that 100% cannot be debunked as "insects." Like this security cam footage from Ireland in 2011 that features a glowing orb that at first is as giant as a meteor. Or the time when an orb - again much too large to be a blurry insect - also haunted the backyard of a Chinese family. There truly is a phenomenon of seemingly intelligent balls of lights that are not visible to the naked eye, or at least don't want to be. We see these UFOs like these flying about in the sky, in and out of volcanoes, lurking about neighborhoods, you name it. The image of a glowing orb of light really is the new Flying Saucer, it's the most common type of UFO we see these days. Here are some screenshots from the recent North Richland Hills footage: Here is the orb again a night later, but at one point it actually shrinks in size and seems to attach to a string or cobweb of some sort: Read the full witness description and watch Part 1 of the recording below, , fast forward to :30 and 1:39 in the YouTube video to catch most the action (here's Part 2): i get home at 11;14 pm at October the 17 2014 and i sow my cameras monitors on so i was ready to turn it off before this happens i sow this light moving at the back of my truck and then i wake my wife and we start looking at it at i get kind of afraid i start thinking bad things as you see on TV i keep looking until the sphere goes away at the next morning i start checking the DVR and i discover that the sphere it record for about one hour and a half i send some of the video and you are welcome to ask me any question or analyze it you got all my information you can contact me at any time What do you think? A bug that only looks mysterious because the camera can't interpret it? Or is this another piece of evidence that ghost-like energies do live among us? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page!
And of course if you've seen anything like this in Texas recently, report your sighting! |
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