Witness Recounts Seeing a Triangle UFO Over Texas That Reminded Them of the Movie "Predator"3/19/2019
A thrilling account of a triangular, possibly transparent craft over Texas from 2009 is just now being submitted to TexasUFOs. The witness described seeing a "Watery/translucent" V-shaped UFO that reminded her of the alien in the film the Predator: Heading toward ABILENE from DFW I noticed a triangle shaped object tracking from S to N. It was hard to see, and I kept thinking “I won’t believe this later, soak in as much as possible”. I saw it for app 10 minutes. Although no photos and videos were taken at the time, we do have other similar events, as well as the move Predator (of course) to refer to: What do you think of this triangle UFO sighting? Have you ever seen a triangle UFO? Or any UFO (or even alien) for that matter? Report your sighting!
Otherwise, follow along on TexasUFOs for all the latest UFO sightings in Texas and the world, as well as news on alien and UFO Disclosure. Do you have theories or thoughts about this UFO sighting or any others covered on this site? Share them in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
"All were visibly shaken and in shock after the sighting" - Silent Orb Reported Over Abilene3/13/2018
A silent, green, purple and white UFO was seen my multiple family members in Abilene, Texas, according to testimony recently submitted to TexasUFOs:
AJ writes:
Multi colored orb that fades to white as it disappears
Although no photos or videos were captured of the UFO, the witness report is detailed enough to help us solve this mystery. Do you live in Abilene? Did you also see this UFO? Report your sighting!
Do you have theories on what these witnesses encountered? Share them below in the comments or on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!
10+ glowing orbs, with one being red and the rest being white, were seen and filmed hovering in the daytime sky by several witnesses near Phantom Lake in Abilene, Texas. Check out the following photo and testimony sent into TexasUFOs by a reader who would like to be known as "Hunter:" I have typed this out several times and then I decide to not post it last minute. We were hunting it was about 6pm and I looked up and suddenly there was a very bright object in the sky. When I asked the others who were with me what they thought it was they gave me a couple of explanations and shrugged it off. Then as we look over at a covey of dove taking off, before I could take aim to shoot at the dove there was several bright sphere/star like objects suddenly in the sky. It shocked all of us and I remember yelling-screaming out OMG! My sister in law and husband let out similar responses....it shocked us all. I got out my phone to take pictures and more lights kept appearing but staying in the same location. Looking through my phone I could not see them. So I just took one picture in the direction they were at and then I decided to video record the event with the phone pointed in the direction they were at. I already had a feeling I would not be able to capture the images so I wanted to at least audio record the event while explaining what we were seeing and recording everybody else who was there. The first object I saw was still far away from the new formation of objects we saw and then it slowly made it's way over to the others at some point. They would get close together and there was one that was red the whole time while the others were white. They were pulsating at times, then solid color then disappearing to reappear again. There were 10 altogether. 5 witnesses. Total duration of the event was approximately 20 minutes before they suddenly disappeared. There were planes flying above them and helicopters below them in the distance. It was clear out. I had extreme anxiety leading up to the event then I felt better when it was over, relieved almost. This was out by Phantom Lake and the Land Fill in Abilene, TX. This was not the first time I have seen something like this with my husbands side of the family. The 2nd time we saw something was in front of our house and it actually looked like it was ripping the sky open and manifesting right in front of our eyes. When it was in full form it shot off across the sky, this was in Allen Texas. There were reports of people seeing the ufo move across the sky from Dallas to Ft. Worth the same time we saw the ufo appear in front of our house. Since I had just seen something less than a month before in E. Texas in the woods I vowed to keep a camera charged and ready to record if I were to see something again. I ran in the house and told my husband wait there keep watching and went to grab the camcorder that I had been charging in our bedroom and as soon as I got back outside the camera died. I didn't care, I just stood there happy my husband saw it first since he didn't see the one I saw with his family previously. After the event in Abilene we talked about different things that have happened to my husbands siblings while they were growing up and I started to think seeing these things had something to do with my husbands family. I have been looking for explanations as to what we saw all 3 times and just when I think I find an answer I realize that I'm forcing an explanation to something that can't be explained. Drones, satellites, military...you name it. It's the same things that are being seen all over the world. I don't think they are aliens making contact with my family, although the thought is disturbing. My picture no surprise to me is not a good picture. In fact I didn't think I had a picture at all until I got to work and looked at it on my computer. I'm going to attach several images but they are of the same shot. I have the audio but I'm swearing the whole time and I think I sound like I'm crazy. You can hear my husband and nephew as well. I don't think I want to ever play them b/c unless you've seen the same thing you can't understand. Mind you the picture doesn't have all 10 in it since I took it right when we first saw them appearing. It looks different than what we saw.
What do you think this witness saw? Could these have been Chinese lanterns or balloons, or something much stranger, like aliens? Share your theories in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you also live in Abilene, Texas and saw this, report your sighting.
Really amazing photographs of wild-looking clouds over Abilene, Texas, were posted to MUFON (case 83923), along with witness claims that a UFO was hiding behind the clouds, and essentially camouflaging itself into the daytime sky. The witness also claimed that the felt like they were being watched by the UFO before noticing it, and that many "in town saw it": UFO was cloaked in the top of the ONLY cloud present on a very blue and sunny day. I initially looked up because I felt like I was being watched. Several people in town saw it.
Do you think there is an alien spaceship hiding behind a cloud? Or is this just a case of amazing weather? Share your theories in the comments below, and if you are one of the many witnesses to this event, please report your sighting.
Another triangle UFO report from Texas has been reported to MUFON. While some misidentified reports of lens flares and stars have entered the mix, this does appear to be part of a real, mass ongoing sighting: Went outside into my yard and noticed 3 bright lights in the sky. They were in an area where I'd never seen a grouping such as this before. I viewed the lights with my Nikon binoculars and observed the 3 lights to be much brighter/intense than the stars of the night sky. The moon was near full so much of the sky was washed out and it made these lights stand out. As I was watching the lights the bottom 2 lights seem to more closer to each other so that I was able to see both without panning back and forth. I continued to watch as they slowly drifted further to the southwest until a utility pole light's brightness made it difficult to focus. I stopped observing the lights at this time.
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