Texas UFO Sightings received an anonymous report of two orange fireballs that didn't behave like meteors or planes or flares, really. So, what could these be? Read the detailed testimony: On Tuesday 2/10/15 at around 8:30p I was driving west on Hwy44 when I noticed 2 strange lights in the clear, dark country night sky. I was on hwy 44 between Banquete Tx and Agua Dulce Tx when I first noticed what seemed to look like two orange (softball size) fire balls going towards each other. At first I thought it was 2 airplanes going towards each other and about to collide when all of a sudden the orange lights disappeared. I thought I was seeing things. Then shortly after that about 3 minutes later I see orange flares/burst in the night sky in the same area where I had just seen the orange lights which looked like they were going to collide, but disappeared before colliding. as I continued driving I asked my 11yr old son to look out our car window into the sky and see if he saw anything. Within a minute my son yelled out:"mom!! I see 2 lights in the sky!!" I looked up at the sky and saw the 2 orange lights AGAIN!! At that point both my son and I started to get scared because we couldn't explain what we were seeing. I immediately called my husband & daughter(who were back home in San Diego Tx and I told them to go outside and tell me what they saw in the sky. (We live out in the country in San Diego Tx; therefore we have awesome views of the night skies) I was so shaken up by the unexplained lights that i also called our local news station to see if there were any meteor showers going on. Our local Meteorologist informed me that he was not aware of any meteorlogical activity for tonight. Well, within minutes of asking my daughter to stare up into the night skies - my daughter calls me back and in a panicky, shaky voice asks me: "Mom did you just see that????" I was still driving South West at that time and looking up at the same lights she was looking at in the sky. ( and we were about 15 miles away from each other). I get home about 20 mins later, go to the back of my house to find my husband and daughter Still outside with binoculars and cell phones capturing video of the unexplained orange lights near our home. As we stood outside staring up at the sky we continued to see the lights two more times then we saw many other blue small lights in the same area. WEIRD!!! Definitely UFO!!!!! Can anyone explain to me what we saw?? It was literally Fire in the sky!! Apparently there was video. I will try to track that down. but in the meantime, if you saw these bizarre objects as well, report your sighting!
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