A bright white sphere of light was seen and filmed moving slowly above the clouds in Alice, Texas. According to the witness, a storm was starting at the time they saw the UFO. Check out the YouTube video and description below, and always, share your thoughts in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram about whether or not you think this is a UFO or something simpler, like a drone: Alice, Texas UFO Caught on iPhone in broad daylight. The ufo sighting on this YouTube video was captured on May 23, 2017 at or around 7:48 pm
Two videos have been posted to YouTube over the past several weeks and they both show mysterious solid, bright white lights hovering and moving slowly in the sky. Could these lights be drones or do these videos show proof of UFOs or even alien visitation? As always, you be the judge! Check out the footage below, and then share your thoughts in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram: Houston, late January (foul language warning):
South Texas, early February:
Check out the full report submitted to TUS: Many "satellite/star" looking, white orbs/spheres traversing the night sky in individual, random paths. Some appearing and disappearing in brilliant pure white light. Others stop, hover and flash a flat plane of white light. What seriously got m attention was that one executed a "tight 180*" turn, before stopping to a complete hover which was held for approx 30-45min. Before "fading" into the night sky. As an aviation mechanic/small aircraft pilot, I do not know of many aircraft that can "about face" so sharply at such an extreme altitude and hover completely still without seriously over heating it's power plant. Can you help solve the case? If you saw these lights over Alice, too, please share your experience.
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