A really detailed testimony of a UFO that appeared to "waffle around" in an area in the sky over Allen, Texas, has been submitted to NUFORC (case S161167): Amorphous and slightly oval shaped, black object seen in broad daylight... Although a video was apparently taken of the UFO, it was not attached to the report and so I'm unable to examine in. So, that leads me to ask... did you also see this UFO over Texas? Did you take a picture or video? Share your encounter with TexasUFOSightings.com!
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While the following UFO sighting in Texas does not come with a photo or video, it is a common account. A bright solid, silent light was seen hovering in mid air before taking off at an extremely fast rate of speed, faster than any known man-made craft can travel. Joey wrote the following to TexasUFOs: While on a road trip from Denton Texas to McKinney Texas I observed a single very bright very fast moving object traveling in the direction of east to west across the horizon. It gave off a white hue, and as previously mentioned it wasn’t accompanied by any other flashing lights like your standard aircraft nor was there any sound. This object stopped, and seemed to be hovering. After what seemed to be 30 seconds the object flew off at a high rate of speed this time at a northward direction. After seeing this object I had a sense of awe, this sighting has given me concrete evidence that we as a species aren’t alone.
While it's possible this Texan could have seen a drone or a balloon instead of an alien spacecraft, only the community can be the judge of this until we get more evidence. Do you live in Allen, Texas, and did you also see this UFO? Help crack this case and report your sighting!
In the meantime, explore other recent orb sightings in Texas and the world and share your thoughts on this phenomenon in the comments or on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
A man and his son were driving in the car when they saw a strange small deer or dog-like creature running around. The son pulled out a video camera and was able to film the animal, but with no detail. The son can be heard laughing excitedly, and it's seriously one of the cutest things you'll listen to all day! The two witnesses conclude this could be the Chupacabra, a legendary small alien-like creature that many claim to have seen. As with UFOs, though, most Chupacabra sightings can be explained as coyotes or dogs with mange. As always, you be the judge!: Found El Chupacabra late night in Allen TX. Video is for real and unedited. My 12 year old son shot video while I drove which explains lack of good shots. But he is real! Plus video is pretty funny! Have still pics of El Chupa email if you want to see them. For Chupa hunters...this is real!
If you've ever seen the Chupacabra in Texas, share your encounter.
Discuss this sighting and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. You can also browse recent UFO sightings in Texas and the world.
Two reports about this amazing sight hit MUFON, and were written quite differently, but with enough overlapping details to confirm each other. It's possible friends who saw the event together made separate MUFON reports. One of the witnesses apparently has a video handy... I will try to track it down. In the meantime, here's the first MUFON report: Sat night 6/8/13 about 10pm CST here is break down - bright, yellow-orange, almost like a meteor but not, they were too slow and too precise in their flight pattern, one behind the other, very precise path across the sky. I saw two groupings of 4, then followed by 2 grps of 3 (what i remember), then a couple grps of 2 or 1 object, until the very last one passed overhead. spacing between objects about 200feet give or take 20ft. 1st grp was fairly evenly spaced as all 4 flew pass, 2nd grp alittle tighter spacing but it's 4th-last object was going faster and further back, so it was going faster to catch up in its grp, these groups and objects gave no noise to my ears (none) it was very quiet night. They all seemed no higher in night sky then what a small plane or hellicopter might do to fly over. i say there was 10 seconds give or take a second, between the 1st grp and 2nd grp, same for 3rd and 4th groups, then it was more like one object at a time, about same 10 second spacing before i would see the next one appear...until the last object appeared, flew by into the NW sky above the house tops. All told, i say 20 or 22 of these objects things flew by over head. Darnest thing i ever seen, especially no sound, none!!! These were not metors, way too slow, i say going about speed of small engine plane or helicopter...took about 8-10 seconds for each object to fly by, that is slow. But the lights were not headlights, no blinking, the shiny bright light encompassed the whole object, teardrop shape with front part more wider then the tail, i am curious if anyone else reported a similar sighting, or got a video of it( i wish i had ). I did try to vocus on them using binoculars, but my binocs are not strong, objects were just a blurring of bright light... And the second: There were 4 of us enjoying the evening, the night was quiet, very dark and VERY clear (not a cloud in the sky). You could see the stars up high in the sky when suddenly I spotted a red-orange light emerge from the east side of the horizon (behind the house tops). That light began traveling west when suddenly I realized that this light was followed by another and another, and another. It became a parade of lights in the sky that were almost evenly spaced, flying in arc form. Then there was a break in the parade and there were 3 lights in triangle formation. One of them seemed to get ahead while the other two got very close to each other - which made me fear they might collide. We realized the lights continued behind those, some coming at longer intervals until eventually they stopped. There had to be over 20 and I was able to video tape a bit of it with my phone. As I mentioned, the lights moved north west, heading OUT into the atmosphere (unlike a plane). I lived in Florida and witness a space shuttle take off so I can tell you that this was NO airplane flight but more like something that headed out into space. there were no other objects, airplanes or anything else in the sky while these objects flew across; but oddly, once they stopped, we saw a plane coming for a landing and that's when we compared its appearance and the sound it made with the lights we had just seen, verifying once again that those objects were not any kind of aircraft. The truth is that it was an eerie sight because of their slow constant speed and the silence. I have some video footage that i can submit at a later date if needed. Someone way over in Portland, OR commented on the report, as they saw something similar on the same night: My name is ERIC Im from Portland OR on 6/8/13 between 11:00&11:15pm my brother and I was walking back from the store when a bright orange ball cought my eye first I thought it was a plain but was not it went from north to south I seen it for about 10-15seconds before it faded 1-2min later a 2nd one went by same north to south then a 3rd& a 4th one went by not sure what they are but would like to know more about the orange ball of lights so if anyone can tell me more about these things my e-mail me at [email protected] |
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