Multiple reports of a UFO over Texas a few nights ago have surfaced online. One witness even reached out to me. Check out a video recap, as well as all the witness testimony, and let me know what you think this could be in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter. Many are speculating this could be SpaceX, and the timeline does add up: Tradewinds, Texas, MUFON case 122950:
This morning at 1 in the morning my girlfriend, sister, and I were stargazing laying down watching the stars, when out of nowhere my girlfriend said whoa what is that, we were all looking at different areas of the sky so i had to turn around . My sister was on the steps putting on bug spray and I called called her over . Kermit, Texas, MUFON case 122970:
We saw a hazy star looking object that was moving fairly quickly, high in the night sky. After we watched it for a few seconds, a fan of light appeared behind the original light. All light was white in color. The fan very slowly spread out while the original light turned slightly, continued moving away from us and eventually they both disappeared. This was over a period of at least 10 minutes. Several minutes later an airplane flew by. It was very obvious the airplane was much closer than the other object. There was 3 witnesses at my location and 1 possibly two other at another location. Witness testimony submitted to me by Amanda in Aubrey, Texas:
I stepped outside to bring my dogs in and just looked up to see a bring light moving away thinking it was an airplane. After looking at it for a moment I realized it was not and saw it was a ball of light, projecting a light, moving sideways?.... It left what looked like a smoke ring. Note: multiple rings different sizes or maybe further distances I'm not sure. It didnt make any sounds or other swift movement other than quickly moving away. I used my night mode on my phone to get some pictures. Hopefully I can get an answer as to what it could be because I lost sleep trying to figure out what I saw. Abilene, Texas, NUFORC report 168794:
First appeard exactly like a comet. Then more of slow moving fireball then triangular shape w peominent geometrical smoke plume. Dallas, Texas, MUFON case 122944:
Saw star-like object--to high to be a plane--heading North in a straight trajectory with a vapor trail fanned out behind it.
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July 19th, 2021 update: After many of you shared that you think this object could be a bird, or even batman balloon!, the witness followed up to share that they are positive that this was a UFO, maybe a drone, and also shared the original photo. "Attached is the original photo. I haven’t heard or seen anyone else discuss it outside of my wife and I. My wife was convinced it was a drone, which it could be, but like I said before, it made no noise at all, was clearly headed in specific location, and was traveling for several miles until we could not see it anymore. I tried doing some research on drones that may look similar to that and I couldn’t find anything that even came close to resembling that. It also had no lights on it anywhere from my viewpoint."
An intriguing photograph of a black V-shaped UFO flying in the daytime sky has been sent to me. Now, if it weren't for the testimony, I would assume this photo just shows a bird, a bat, or perhaps a batman balloon?... not necessarily your classic triangle craft. At the same time, the more I look at the photo, the more I'm confused by it! So that curiosity along with the witness report leads me to investigate further. I'm trying to learn more about this sighting, but if you are also a witness, please report your sighting so that we can get to the bottom of this! "JamesM" writes: UFO was black, was not very large (maybe 10 or 15 feet wide), made no noise at all, was not traveling very fast (about the same speed a commercial jet fly's when it is about 40 miles from landing). We witnessed this from our back patio, and kept eyes on it for as far as we could see it (which was several miles).
It seems as though an extra big shooting star made its way over Texas on the night of June 13th, but one witness' note that they're "not sure what it was," naturally, has me wondering. Whatever the case, a fireball sighting was reported by two witnesses to Here's a quote from one of the reports and a map of the sighting: Amazing fireball. Not sure what it was but it looked beautiful |
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