Witness testimony that may detail a close encounter was submitted to MUFON. Between the nights of December 17th and January 1st, a resident of the small "country" town of Bandera has been haunted by a strange blue light and large ghost-like figure. First she noticed a blue star-like object in the sky that then turned out not to be a star at all when it moved. Thinking it was a drone, she shrugged it off. However, the light kept on showing up and each time it would show up, it had more of an impact on the witness - giving her a strange feeling in her stomach, or accompanied by loud thunder noises. At one point the light took off at great speed. What's especially creepy though is that after these sightings, she continued to feel weird sensations like she was being watched and sure enough has seen a very large silhouette of someone on more than one occasion, and it even whistled back at her husband when he was whistling for their dog. This is something Big Foot is notorious for doing, and he also commonly shows up along with UFOs... interesting! Read the full report here: Firstly I should state I live in Texas in Whodah nowhere, in a small nondescript town where nothing happens, and life is pretty damn boring. I live on a small ranch, and I am a gun toting, country living girl and with all that said I don't think any of it will keep me safe from what's been happening.
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