A new resident to the Texas town of Big Sandy has been witnessing a UFO just about every night. Crystal C and her family have seen a light bob around in the sky, and disappear and reappear - trouble is the light is always toward the North and shows up every night. It's also sometimes accompanied by flashing lights. Read the full testimony submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: We moved into our new home in Big Sandy about 2 months ago and we have noticed an object every night in March.It will appear as soon as it's dark.We watch it every evening and its a ball of light that will blink or twinkle and change in size.It moves up and down and side to side and then disappears! Its always in the same location in the North of us.It moves around while staying in the same place and when it drops down its gone only to reappear a couple minutes later! There are visible planets at this time but this is no planet or plane.We have also seen a mysterious "flash" of bright light twice.The first time we saw the flash it came into our bedroom and it was not lightening!we saw it the second time last night March 31st while observing the bright object.Four of us saw the flash in our peripheral view.I would describe it as someone taking a picture with the flash on.We are very curious what this could be.I am open minded and believe we are not the only ones here and I have never reported a sighting before.If you're in this area you WILL see it as long as you dont have alot of tree's blocking your view.I am intrigued and would love to know if anyone else goes out at night to see this mysterious light.I tried to take a picture with my phone and it would not show up.I changed settings and still couldn't get it unfortunately.I will try again. The Houston area and other parts of Texas (Tyler, unknown town in East Texas) have been seeing increased number of UFO reports that are eerily familiar to this one. Could these all be related? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. And of course, if you've seen this UFO as well, please share your story.
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