![]() Artist Rendering: Background Is Real, Orange Dot is Illustration
A person who ought to have a keen eye for the sky's many mysteries was lucky enough to spot a UFO (shortly after the massive East Coast meteor). Sunny, from the "Lights in the Texas Sky" blog, saw a very bright, orange circular object, or ball of light/orb. Although that would intrigue anyone, it could still be debunked as a satellite or star. However, she then noticed that it was moving. Before she could snap a pic, the object disappeared in thin, mid air, cementing it as a true-blue UFO: Here is the detailed report from Sunny: The date was 3/21/2013. I was letting my dogs in at 2:30 am, when I noticed a brilliant orange light ball of light approximately 4 to 5 degrees above the Northern horizon. I could just make it out over the top of some distant trees. And a follow up she posted: As I stated in the report, I honestly thought at first it was a new guard light. However, it was a degree or two higher than any of the guard lights (at that distance), in the photo that I took afterwards, plus guard lights on poles do not move.
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