6/10 Update: Story updated to say "Houston." Accidentally placed this in San Antonio! A Texas UFO Sightings reader witnessed a large (and seemingly intimidating!) craft with bright lights moving silently overhead and eventually turning out of sight. They graciously shared their testimony with the site: I couldn't sleep so I walked outside to smoke and I knew it was late and there weren't any planes landing or taking off when something bright caught my eye. I looked to my left and I saw what was a large rectangular object with bright white, yellow and possibly orange lights.. But the strange thing was I could not hear anything like you would a plane. .It seemed that it was going to come straight over head about tree top level but it turned slightly towards Hobby airport and disappear behind some trees. Wow! What could this have been? Any ideas? Share your theories in the comments or on the Facebook page.
And if you saw this - or anything else strange in the San Antonio sky recently - report your sighting.
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