A star gazer trying to snap a photo of the moon ending up catching a UFO on camera. In the photo below, you can see a blurry but clear cigar or rod-shaped object: Rod/cigar shaped UFO
If this was a man or alien-made object, it was very large and moving at extreme speed. But could it have been a lens flare or something easier to explain (even a bug) instead?
Share your theories on this sighting and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! As well, if you've also seen a cigar UFO recently and can help validate this sighting, report it!
Another triangle craft has been spotted in Texas, this time in Brownwood. The witness saw the craft hovering low in the sky, and believes it was a TR-3B craft, a top-secret military craft that has been rumored to exist for decades. Triangle crafts like this one are getting spotted all over Texas and the United States right now. Read the witness testimony submitted to MUFON (case 81339). Me and my daughter were coming home from church when we saw what at first looked like a drone at around 8:50 pm I looked up and saw it was close to the ground, around 300 to 500 ft high, as we concentrated on the "drone" that's when we noticed it was triangle shape and had three lights in the three corners of the triangle we slowed down and got a good look, it appeared to be hovering and flying slowly towards Brownwood, then all of a sudden it was about seven miles away over bangs TX we could no longer see the triangle just the lights, I know it was a tr3b just don't know what model, some I have seen on internet have a big a light in the middle section we only saw the lights in the three corners, thought I would never see one first hand but it was awesome and my daughter is a believer also wow.
What do you think of this triangle UFO sighting? Have you seen a triangle-shaped craft or formation of lights recently? Report your sighting.
If you have theories on this UFO sighting, share them below in the comment or on Facebook or Twitter.
Okay, guys... we are in peak UFO season it appears. And I'm not going to lie --- we always see an uptick in activity during spring!!!! But anyhow, we've got an anonymous testimony submitted to Texas UFO Sightings that details a pretty amazing light show, very similar to the recent mass sightings in Stephenville (which is close to this location) and other parts of Texas: we had five witnesses and were so thrilled by the light show we had been getting we didn't take any pictures or video. The lights were bright yellow and would come up at first on pairs of two eventually we saw a line of about 10 yellow lights seeming to make a circular shape around an object it all lasted about 20 minutes. maybe I will see it again tomorrow night Have you been lucky enough to see one of these light shows or one of the large crafts the Lone Star State has been experiencing over then past month? Share your sighting!
I don't know WHAT is going on, but I have never seen so many reports of alien abduction and sightings in all my years of following this topic! From warnings of the apocalypse to a woman tormented by frequent visits from ET, UFOs have been taking a back seat of late. The latest of these reports was submitted anonymously to MUFON, and details a sighting of a 8 to 10-foot tall silver entity with a cone-shaped head! And what's all the more unsettling... they've seen it multiple times. Read more: When arriving on the property home from work I drove down the drive way, and when approaching the opening to see the house I observed an entity that was approximately eight in a half foot tall to ten foot tall. It came from the direction of the house from the edge of the grass. I would have never noticed it if it wouldn't have been reflective of the sun light that evening. It then proceeded to cross the drive way in what looked like three steps, which the drive would usually take a normal man to cross in about 15 to 20 large steps. I noticed it was a chrome color very reflective I could see it had arms an d legs but could not see the hands or feet almost like they were cupped. I also observed it had a pointed-elongated head almost Egyptian like. It then disappeared into the wooded pasture. Now while heading to and from work or while driving out in the pasture I feel watched, and I catch glimpses of it on the drive, and dirt road beside the property. |
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