Updated 5/7, 12:59 PM Updates in red
On the night of April 30th, around 10 pm, many Texans witnessed all kinds of anomalies in the sky. In the Southwest corner of the state, people saw strange gold lights traveling and blinking on and off repeatedly. Meanwhile, in the Austin area, people saw a large dark, triangle-shaped craft. Finally, someone in Houston area also spotted some bright orange orbs and they were scared by them. Were these sightings related? Chinese lanterns possibly? A meteor shower? The Lyrid meteor shower should be long gone by now. What strikes me about this string of UFO encounters is many of the witnesses were shaken, and that's not really common! And how could so many UFOs be in the sky at the exact same date and time, yet so spread out across a big state like Texas? Here's a recap:
Did you see a UFO or set of UFOs on the night of April 30th? Do you live in Texas? Let me know! And a few good quotes from the string of mass UFO sightings: I live in knippa tx and saw exactly same thing I was in tears because I was so nervous words can't explain what it was! I am still shaken up - Knippa View April 30 2013 Texas UFO Sightings in a larger map
So, something or some things, were definitely flying over South Texas on the night of April 30th. Specifically the Carrizo Springs area. Multiple witnesses spotted a collection of "bright gold lights," possibly traveling north to San Antonio, and blinking on and off. One of the witnesses includes a member of the air force who is guessing these are not man made crafts. So, what could they be? Flares? Military jets (one witness described the UFOs as fighter jets attacking each other)? What would disappear and reappear like that? If you saw these strange lights, please let me know! Here's the first report submitted to MUFON: Husband and Wife - UFO Sighting April 30, 2013 Eagle Pass, Texas -Pioneer Road (Aurora Meadows) I left to pick up my hubby from work at 9:20 pm waited a while, he was supposed to be out by 10. We switched seats and on the way home on pioneer road he says babe whats that in the sky? I started searching, even though I thought he was joking... there was a mix of urgency and excitment in his voice. It wasnt till we were about to turn into Aurora Meadows that he slowed down and pointed out the lights that I saw what he was talking about but by that time I only saw two orange lights that flickered off and on. They were horizontal then vertical then only one was left then there was nothing. Chris got to see a cluster of 5 or 6. And another, submitted to Lights In the Texas Sky: Just saw 4 to 8 bright gold lights over Brundage, Texas north of Carrizo Springs. Here's a third report, also submitted to Lights in the Texas Sky: In Eagle Pass, Texas, at approximately 10:04 pm, on April 30, 2013, I was looking to the east and all of a sudden, I happened to see 20-30, beautiful orange lights appear in the sky. It seemed they were coming toward me,but then they stopped "advancing," as they reached a certain size, which is difficult to determine, but in my estimation, they looked rather large. At this point, they went out suddenly. The lights covered a space of apprx 75 ft or more from where I was standing, which was about a 1/4 of a mile from the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass, Texas. A few seconds later, I saw six lights reappear, three on each side. They went out and a few seconds later, two more lights appeared they went out, too. I stayed in the area so I could see if the lights would reappear. And appx. at 10:30 pm. to the right and lower toward the horizon of where I was standing, , the orange lights reappear, this time in a large, half diamond form. The bottom part of the form was longer on the right, with one single light to the left side of the tip of the diamond shape in the sky. These lights went out as well, and I did not see the lights reappear. And finally, a comment by "Jett" on the MUFON site that confirms this: I live on the border in Eagle Pass and the whole town saw some sort of lights flashing in the sky. Looked like fighter planes attacking each other. |
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