I found two similar videos and testimonies submitted to MUFON and so I thought I'd share them alongside each other for your review. What do you think of these recent UFOs over Texas? Do they prove that aliens are real, and are really visiting the Lone Star State? Or could these just be examples of high-tech, silent drones? Let me know what you think in the comments. And if you have seen a UFO like this before, report your sighting. October 31st, 2020 at 10:30 PM in Carrollton, Texas: MUFON Case 112435 On my porch I have a very good view of the sky for being in the city. I saw this orange orb float straight up from the neighborhood across the highway. It flattens out and then forms an orb/ball shape. When I say it flattened out it wasn't a solid shape and looked like what I can only describe what smoke looks like when it's floating in different shapes. It did that and then formed the orb/ball. In person it was very bright orange and much closer in person. I took a video as soon as I knew it wasn't normal, I've uploaded that video. I've seen 3 orbs and 3 stars that move. So 6 ufos total. This first orb I saw from the very start though. It floated straight up what felt right out of someones backyard, formed a ball and then floated over. I jumped my porch fence and watched it go overheard. Then went around my building to watch it float off into the distance. The other orbs I've seen are very similar but one did pulse a red light. Odd thing is when I started my video it stopped blinking. When I was done it went back to blinking. I live near DFW airport and I see planes every hour of the day. These are not planes. To me the first orb I saw was alien. I just can't see how it could be human or any tech we have. November 24th, 2020 at 9:12 PM in Killeen, Texas: MUFON Case 112420 I was at my house during the time. My mother was outside and she was looking at something. I looked to where she was looking and I see about 3 but my mother saw five. I was only able to take a video of one. I thought it was a drone or plane, but it wasn’t blinking or anything. It just faded away. It was going on a straight path, did not turn at all. I was shocked and so was my family.
"I have never seen anything like this up close" - Amazing Sighting of Cigar UFO Near Dallas11/15/2016
A really amazing, and even frightening sighting of a cigar-shaped craft near Dallas has been sent to TexasUFOs. "Fossilcollector" writes: I have never seen anything like this up close. Before this happened I thought there was a Drone hovering over. I was watching airplanes after collecting fossils. The real surprise was a craft that looked like star wars industrial light magic without any lights on. All the planes had their lights going but not this craft, At first when it went over to the right of my head so close, maybe 1200 to 1600 feet up.. It was slient stealth brownish camouflage color and moved very gracefully. It was about a 7 second good look at it as it was heading toward Love Field. I must say it let me see it. That is how I would describe it. the craft had the ability to disappear after it let me watch it. My jaw was open and literally shaking. I was walking home not near other people when the possible hovering drone light caught my eye and was concerned for the planes going by. At first sight, wide "winged" but not plane winged, cigar irregular industrial brown silent ghost, then smooth roundess moved along and at the end before it vapored like a ghost is how I would describe it. I swear it let me see it. You had to be right there to get the view. It vanished when it was looking smooth and more circular. At first wide brownish industrial brown and very evident to the right of my head looking up at the higher drone. It was low to the ground and very movie special effects strange. It moved so silent and graceful, and went smooth and circular to the right and like a mirage that vaporized. Not even kidding when I tell you my jaw dropped and I shook like a leaf in Awe. I am SO glad I was able to see it. Will go back and try to see it again, I stayed out there waiting for more but that was it. Awesome!
What do you think of this sighting? Have you seen anything like this in Texas recently?
A bright glowing ball of light ascending into the sky in Carrollton, Texas, has been uploaded to YouTube:
Unfortunately no description was provided, but it is a great quality video! Did you see this UFO as well? Report your encounter.
Have thoughts on what this UFO could be? Weather balloon? Drone? Aliens? Share them in the comments or with the active Facebook community!
When: March 8th, 2016 at 5:20 AM
Where: Coppell/Carrollton area - George Bush Turnpike and Belt Line Rd What: Large saucer-shaped object with red lights scans ground with spotlight Texas UFO Sightings reader Skye wrote in about a dark, round disc that they first thought was a plane landing, but then realized it was more of "UFO" - due to its round shape and large size. It even scanned the ground with a big white spotlight: It appeared out nowhere, I thought a plane was coming down. It was way too big to be flying just above the street lights,it was round with 3 red lights. Then it turned on a huge white spotlight that scanned back & forth twice then it disappear. Can you help solve this mystery? Perhaps this was a military helicopter or drone... or maybe ET? Only way to be sure is to hear from you. Did you see this UFO too? Report it!
Seeing UFOs in the sky happens around the clock, but seeing one land by your bed? That's pretty rare. But apparently, that's just what a Plano area resident experienced about a week ago, or at least that's what they reported to MUFON. Although sleep paralysis happens and can definitely explain this scary occurrence, I'm confused as to why it seems to be happening so much lately. I've reported on several alien abductions of late, and of course that's still quite a mystery to the UFO community: are these cases of sleep paralysis, do aliens or some sort of entity induce sleep paralysis, or is there something even stranger going on here? Read the MUFON report below, which describes a huge UFO landing beside the witness' bed: I was sleeping, woke up at around three am .. I saw some real bright lights they were looking at me all I could think was how could a ufo be so smalli really rhought it was cool but did not move or budge.. I dont remember when it left or what else happened. the object was ovalish the size of a ten gallon aquarium.. still in motion. |
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