When lunar eclipses, meteor showers and other anticipated space events occur, there are always a lot of UFO sightings that come along with them - more people are looking up, after all! But that doesn't make those UFO sightings any less important. In the Austin area, people saw lights in a V formation on the night of the eclipse. In the Dallas area, they saw something else entirely: a fiery reddish orb bouncing around the moon for at least 30 minutes. Two witnesses captured the event on camera and sent detailed reports to MUFON, while a third witness also sent testimony to MUFON. Although it's difficult to explain this sighting, it does appear it was concentrated in the Dallas area (only Irving and Celina have been buzzing about this so far), ruling out satellites, stars and other outer space phenomenon. Check out the photos and testimony out of Irving: April 15, 2014, around 1:00-1:15am, I went outside to watch the lunar eclipse and I was taking pictures and saw the red orb, or whatever it is, moving around the moon. When I first noticed it I thought it might be a plane from the airport near by.....but then I thought you dummy planes aren't round. The object moved around the moon and behind it and came out the other side. It was pretty interesting. I just kept taking pictures. I figured enough is enough and went to bed. Didn't think anything about it till I showed a friend the next day and he was amazed. So here it is. As well as Celina: I was visiting a friend in Celina for a week. My last night in town I heard about the eclipse earlier in the day, so went out in front of the house and aimed my camera at the moon. I noticed two bright shapes by the moon. At first I thought they were both stars so started taking pics and saw one begin to move. I just started snapping shots and continued. Seemed like a couple minutes. I watched the shape move in triangular motions and then directly above or below or in front or behind the moon. It then began to descend further south and then faded into the sky. Pic details show this went on for 35 minutes occurring from 1:11 am to 1:44. I took pics of the eclipse at 2:23 or so and there was only one other object in the sky and the moon was in the eclipse. And another report out of Celina: Outside smoking a cigarette waiting to see the blood moon when it just appeared a star like object bouncing then disappeared and reappeared bouncing disappearing and reappearing all over ascended and disappeared in min. Shocked and Amazed! Were you checking out the Lunar Eclipse in Texas? Did you see any UFOs show up alongside the Blood Moon? Report your sighting! If you didn't get to see this yourself, perhaps you have theories on what this could have been? Feel free to share your insights in the comments section or on the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page! View Sightings During Blood Moon Eclipe in a larger map
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