![]() Did someone in Corpus spot a real life alien? Did a UFO land on someone's lawn outside San Antonio? And was an East Texan's electricity cut off by a UFO? These questions - and more - are raised by some of the latest reports to come into MUFON, Texas UFO Sightings, and other sites. I got a bunch of sightings I've yet to share from this month and last, out of Houston, Austin, and beyond, and so I thought I'd drop them down here for you to digest all at once (sorry if it's a tad overwhelming). Very good reads, and many you won't find anywhere but here as the majority were submitted directly to Texas UFO Sightings. View May/June UFO Recap in a larger map May 6th: My wife and I saw an large odd light with no discernible shape behind the cloud. At first I thought it might be a spotlight, but no beam was visible and the shape was not round and appeared to emanated from behind the clouds. It remained motionless for about 5 minutes, but the light would fade at times and then intensify again, sometimes slowly and other times very quickly. There was another slightly smaller light beside it and 2 smaller lights nearby. The various lights brightened and faded at different times but did not seem to be synchronized in any way. After about 5 minutes they suddenly flashed northward at a high rate of speed and disappeared. We waited another 5 minutes but the lights did not reappear. I checked to see if there were any firework shows in Sunnyvale, but the only one is scheduled for tomorrow night. - Sunnyvale May 7th: Glowing colors various green one object yellow objects and orange - I was driving home from my mothers residence. One of my neighbors had one land on her property - Floresville MUFON Report (Note: there is a video for this sighting but you can't make anything out of it, so I did not post) May 22nd: At Approximately 4:18 to 4:20 am Wednesday May 22, 2013. I witnessed 5 distinct lights in semi-formation moving from 282° W to 354° N @ Nominal Speed, at approximately 2500' to 5000' in a non-Uniform fluctuating formation. May 25th: My 16 year old daughter, her boyfriend and I all saw 3 amber orbs in the sky last night. They were in a triangle at first then moved into a line, as one faded out. The other two continued in a line and then the second faded out and then the 3rd faded out. We sat in my truck on the side of the road trying to figure out what we just saw. I started driving again not even a minute later, and we saw 2 more in a line. I drove up to a convenience store, were we got out and watched as these two did the same as the first 3 we saw, one faded out and then the other. We thought it was over, so we got back in the truck and we saw the last one. It did the same thing. Treveled across the sky slowly and then faded out. There was no noise, all were the same color. The wind was blowing fairly hard so it couldn't have been anything like a flare. They were all about 6 or 7 stories off the ground no more than 100 yards away from us. they all traveled in a line from south to north. They didn't appear to be a "craft" of any kind, but more like lights.- Diana Miller, Mineral Wells May 27th: star like UFO moving then climbed out of sight - Around ten o’clock PM the electricity was out and my spouse and myself was outside to see what happened. I looked up at the sky to view the stars, while looking I could see the stars slightly clearer since several blocks were out of electricity. I was looking in a southeasterly direction and one star began to move I told my wife to look and she saw it as well, the star (UFO) starting moving north and got smaller and smaller (climbing in altitude I suspect) until it was no longer visible. The ufo was twinkling just like any other star in the sky but it started moving after watching it for a few seconds just sitting still. The encounter took no longer then maybe 5-10 seconds at the most. Lately I have been seeing things like this lot (this is my 4-5 sighting this year). - Port Neches NUFORC Report May 30th: A ball of spinning colorful changing lights sitting in one spot. It turned red and took off faster than anything I've seen before. - Savannah Carter, Grapevine May 31st: Two small crescents facing the same direction in the sky behind fast moving clouds. The sky flashed and a larger crescent connected the two smaller crescents. The shape was bright and slowly dissipated and was no longer visible. The clouds did not cover up the event while it occurred. The object appeared very far away.- Dallas MUFON report June 1st: it was way up high in the sky blinking going really slow and I thought I saw an alien - West Side of Corpus Christi June 3rd: Well it was around 6:15 A.M. and I was waiting for my bus. I was just scanning the sky hoping to see a UFO. June 4th: White orbs about 5 minutes apart seen in the daylight flying straight north at an incredible speed. We were in the pool and watch planes come into Austin all of the time and these were not of this world. Could not be a balloon because of the rate of speed and the altitude and the direction. The orbs had a clear circle around them as well. Freaky.- Austin June 5th: Driving down the highway, my mom pointed at a group of 4 blck dots we believed at first to be planes but we noticed they were in the same spot close together. Then the one on the farthest left kinda shined for a quick second (we assumed it moved) then the other three followed suit then suddenly they disappeared. We look all over the sky but th four black "planes" were gone. - Southeast Side of San Antonio
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