"Been watching these things for a week" - The Dallas Lights ARe Making Their way ARound Texas6/19/2015
Texans have been seeing some eerie things in the sky - the Dallas area in particular has been hit up with sighting after sighting after sighting - there is no doubt something going on in that city skyline. But now those same reports are showing up in other parts of the state. Check out anonymous testimony sent to Texas UFO Sightings of a sighting near Marble Falls and compare that to a picture out of the Dallas area from May 31st: I've been watching these things for a week this is the craziest sh** I've ever seen the sky is very active where we are or has been for about a week or so now, but we have seen all kinds Of manned and unmanned aircraft Hovering around, shooting around and just sitting still in the sky in the last couple of days . the different colored flashing lights that are talked about in the previous Stories we have seen about a hundred or so of them over the last few nights and have got a few clips of video but not sure if I want to post them or not but here is a picture and I have a lot more if need Be you can contact me through my email I will try to track down video evidence and will continue to compile the reports like these that I'm getting and seeing on the web. In the meantime, if you've seen these strange lights as well, report your sighting. And if you have theories on what these lights could be (military?, aliens?, meteor showers?, weird weather?), post them in the comments or on the Facebook page.
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