The recent oil field sightings in Eagle Ford and Cotulla, TX stirred up quite a bit of talk on paranormal and local news sites, and now a small town a tad to its south has experienced something frighteningly familiar. A MUFON report reveals quite the testimony, about a bunch of orbs spotted flying all over the sky, dodging each other, shooting fire, and more. Another sighting similar to this occurred in Dallas a few days prior. Oilfield .. my truck was facing north.. my partners was facing south at about 9pm my partner said what the hell is that? I looked in my door mirror to see all sorts of lights .. I then got out of my truck to get a better look... at first I really thought two jet fighters were dogfighting and it was tracers,missles and flares going off... it was that bright. but as you watched it.. it was 4 bright white light orbs moving at a very high speed all around each other.. one then shot out balls of fire that lit up the night sky.. then it would retract the balls of fire back into itself... the orbs would disappear then show up in a completly different spot moving around very very fast.. then fire balls would spit out in all directions then get sucked up by the one orb again.. this happenned four or five times.. I then grab my phone to get this on camera.. because it was so unreal.. when I grabbed my phone and finally got it to camera.. all four orbs lined up like a single craft and moved as one.. headed north towards us. I tried to film it but it shows up as all black... maybe a computer can break it down... then all four orbs were strobing as they went over head.. but would tilt in unison on occasion to the left then to the right by ninty degrees.As if it was one. I called 911 afterwards to see if anyone else had seen this and that it was moving north... they said noone had called anything in.. which amazed me.. because it lit up the sky so brightly at first.. you couldnt miss it.. almost like lightning...We went to the other pad site and the Flo-back guys had seen them also.. The Eagle Ford and Cotulla oil field sightings:
![]() If you've been following the latest UFO sightings in the Lonestar State, the South Texas UFO flap is no news to you. And the excellent UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock blog has summed up the timeline and added some pretty good commentary. It's definitely worth a read. To recap, in July, security cameras caught a shot of a UFO over an Cotulla, TX Ford oil field - what's crazy is the camera was set up because oil was being stolen! While this event was a bit old, weird lights have been witnessed by locals in the same area frequently and recently. So, although MUFON debunked the photo - no surprise there - South Texas news outlets weren't so quick to jump on that bandwagon.
![]() Eagle Ford UFO Description
Either San Antonio residents have a special talent for spotting UFOs, or UFOs really love San Antonio. The South Texas area has recently been buzzed by curious blinking lights, typically in a triangle shape. They hung out around an oil rig in Cotulla (south of San Antonio) and then they hovered over a Shale Station in Eagle Ford (near Hollywood Park in San Antonio). Are they the same UFOs? Or different? You be the judge - check out the two news reports about these sightings, each featuring eyewitness accounts of recent sightings, as well as videos! Eagle Ford Sightings: |
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