"This was a strange sound I've never heard before" - Witness Hears Mysterious Booms North of Houston4/10/2020 According to a recent MUFON report (case 107418), strange booming sounds were heard in Crosby, Texas. What could they have been caused by? A natural weather event, a man-made explosion, or an alien spaceship even? Leave a comment below with your theory. Did you hear these booms as well? Let me know. Strange low booms
"She thought she was losing her mind" - Very WEird "Meteor" Spotted by Many in Northeast Houston12/11/2014
Two reports of a bright light zooming through the sky like a meteor or fast plane, speeding upward into the sky like an air craft, and then descending again, have hit MUFON and Texas UFO Sightings. A really gigantic fireball was reported and caught on tape in the Northeastern United States but no word of any meteor activity in the Lone Star State. Further mystifying this case! On December 1st, a person driving on the road in Northeast Texas spotted a bright object fly in a straight line, and then suddenly and quite noticeably jet off in a vertical ascent before appearing to land. Here's the drawing and testimony they graciously submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: I was giving a man a ride home around 12-3AM (yes, he was sober lol- he had just left a basketball game) driving on 610-East, and am not sure if what we both saw was a shooting star or a UFO of some sort. I can't recall if I had seen it peripherally (to my left) as being stationary at any point, but almost faintly recall seeing what I assumed to be a plane flying. As to whether or not this is the same 'light' that I saw, I -and the man riding with me- then saw a star-like light shoot through the sky, but in this instance from our point of view, it seemed to shoot straight out and slightly ascend vertically, and then dip very quickly towards the ground (or in the horizon beyond, in being what seemed at least 7 miles out) out of sight- all in the matter of what seemed like a fraction of a second. A rough estimation of its altitude seemed to be that of a plane in normal flight (note: we were driving on a raised freeway at the time). I of course was somewhat distracted in driving and simultaneously talking to him, and then immediately asked him if he too saw it right after I did, and he agreed that he wasn't too sure what it was, but that he too saw it dart across the sky and disappear. So, having seen at least 5 shooting stars in my lifetime, it seemed very similar, but what intrigued me was the seeming ascent right before it disappeared downward. Yet, it could have in fact been a shooting star witnessed at an angle I've never seen one move. Then again, I always like to keep an open mind, being one reason I'm posting to see if anyone else saw anything that night in that area. Several days later on December 5th, specifically in the town of Crosby (also in Northeast Texas), an eerily similar report hit MUFON: I was sitting im my house watching TV when my wife ran inside from getting the mail. You have to come see this, hurry! she yelled so I ran outside and she pointed to the sky. Ther I seen four very bright lights. Two lights were side by side and glowed bright red, the other two lights were very bright green. The way this object moved in the air was impossible. It shot straight up into the sky , so high it looked as if it went to the stars then came down very fast shooting from left to right until it looked as if it landed behind the trees. At that same time my neighbor across this strret yelled to us '' did yall see that!!" She said she thought she was losing her mind. There has to be more witnesses. Right after this happenrd vehicles started driving all around the area . Anyone thag wad outside had to this. So what could this mysterious object have been? Talk about it! Did you see it in real-time? Report it!
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