Texas UFO Sightings reader Travis witnessed a bright, peculiar light both hovering and moving in the nighttime sky. When viewed through a telescope, the object appeared to be changing colors and giving off flashes and/or sparks of light! Check out photo and testimony below, kindly submitted to the site: On 10/27-2015 I looked out my back window and saw what I thought was a helicopter hovering in the distance. It was about 20 degrees up from the horizon and 46 degrees from magnetic north (which I calculated the following day). From my back yard that put the object between and past Georgetown an Then it started to move right and then up to about 30 degrees from the horizpm. Taylor. I watched the object for about 20 minutes and it moved slowly but erratically and roughly stayed in the same location. The light initially look like a bright white light and then started to change colors. The colors ranged from red to blue to orange to green and sometimes half and half. I called a friend that has a high powered telescope and he was able to spot it. His first reaction was "Awesome, you are not going to believe this". He described the object as an orb with random color changes and spikes of color coming off of it around the circumference. He said it looked like bad special effects from old Star Trek shows. While we were on the phone together a second object appeared in the same location and moved in much of the same way as the first, except it moved along the horizon about 20 degrees up. I videoed much of the event on my Galaxy 6S but it is grainy. I also have video when the second object appeared. I was observing this from 21:30 to 22:30. Video was taken as well, but is a little too dark and grainy to share. Not an uncommon problem with UFO Sightings, especially the more legitimate.
I think it's safe to say Texas got a solid UFO flap on the nights of June 29th and 30th. A ton of reports from all over the Lone Star State hit the web and here's what they have in common:
Let me know if you saw these UFOs (or any) over Texas on June 29th or 30th, or comment if you've got a theory! Maybe drones were just making their rounds? Here are some video screen shots from sightings that occurred on the 30th: And a map view: View June 30th Mass Sighting in Texas in a larger map Multiple UFOs Over Galveston - Officials Not Talking Dallas area: Meteor(?) Bigger Than Aircraft Fragments Over Dallas Area Austin area (Dripping Springs): Ball of Light Hovers Over Dripping Springs Clear, Daytime Footage of Orb Flying Over San Antonio UFOs Followed By Gunshots in El Paso East Texas, near Longview: Video: Orbs Put On Show for East Texas UFO Chaser
7/8 UPDATE: This is not the only UFO sighting like this from June 30th. Read more. A game development company in Austin tweeted about seeing a "strange ball of light" hovering over Dripping Springs. The tweet reads: Saw a strange ball of light high over Dripping Springs last night. Slower than a shooting star no blinking lights. Anyone else? #austin #ufo Did you see it? Let me know!
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