Wow, what a month this is turning out to be!... I can only imagine what's in store for us this Memorial Day weekend. Sorry in advance for this lengthy, light-on-investigation post. I got majorly behind on the latest sightings and need to play catch up. This is a list of recent sightings that I missed, not the full list of recent sightings! I will be comparing these reports to other recent reports over the coming days and see if there are any correlations (I'm sure there are). For now, though, you'll have to make your way through this chunky blog entry... View Recap in a larger map Here goes. May 1st: San Antonio tweet: Wtf did anyone just see those 3 red lights disappear? In the sky #Ufo #SanAntonio May 7th: Alpine, Del Rio, Texarkana, & Corsicana MUFON report: ... My eyes were drawn to 2 blinking lights that seemed to be out toward 118 North. They were far apart but perfectly in line with each other and kept blinking red, not at the same time and not in any pattern that I could notice but like they were blinking at each other. ... They were perfectly motionless for about 3 full minutes, just blinking red. No movement whatsoever. Then, they just faded away. ... They were already there when I stepped outside. I will also add that there was no sound, but I attribute that to them being so far away ... This morning I called our local municipal airport to inquire about the lights, and asked about government drones. The man I spoke with confirmed that drones don't fly this far inland ... he did state that what I probably saw were helicopters but they don't usually fly in pairs or in groups of more than one around here. He also confirmed that there was no air traffic ... he didn't want them [drones] here. So, I have been left baffled. When I first saw these lights, I immediately dropped the broom I was holding, turned off my porch light and stared stunned. We live in a dark sky community and I know what airplanes look like at night. This was something I had never seen before and could not take my eyes off of them. My heart began beating quickly and it just left me kind of numb and in deep thought the rest of the night. I've also had a headache (even as I type this), ever since coming back into the house last night. ... I do live near the airport and I am the wife of a border patrol agent, ... I have a friend who saw a very similar event about 2 weeks ago.
MUFON report: I thought to myself "Is that star moving?" ... there were 3 stars in a triangle pattern, the top right star all of a sudden started moving. ... I didn't see any clouds at all and thought it was strange but it must have been a satellite. but right after it disappeared I noticed another one moving in the same direction same same level as if it were following the first one and disappeared just about the same spot. ... they looked just like all the other stars in the sky. ... I found a post from someone online that I believe saw the same thing. UFO blogger site I think. ... believe I was looking in the direction of Alpine ... I had gone inside and posted it on Facebook that night as well.The post is still there May 9th, Sugar Land: ("debunked" by a commenter as lens flare)
May 11th: Houston and Southlake
May 12th: San Antonio and Comanche
Lots of great sightings in Texas this week - many seeming related. This time we've got a MUFON report for a May 15th encounter of a triangle-shaped craft that made a loud, rumbling noise and glided over Electra, TX - near Witchita Falls. Here's the testimony: My daughter and I were outside sitting on the front porch steps, when we heard a strange rumble sound coming from the East. We both thought it was a low flying plane at first, then we were able to see two white/blue light that seemed to pulse up and down. As it got closer we knew it was not a plane by the low rumbling sound it made, and the two lights in front were hanging down from it, almost as long as a telephone pole. We could not see any type of body for this craft. As it slowly passed over us, I flashed my flashlight at it three times. It then turned on a third light, gold in color, located behind and in the middle of the first two. It looked as though there could have been five feet or more between the lights. After that we stepped out into the street and started walking in the direction that it flew away in. It never really moved very fast it seemed to just glide away almost. As it drifted off into the distance, maybe ten miles ahead of us, it stopped blinking it's lights, and just went out of sight. We were not frightened by it, more amazed than anything, and thought it was cool that it seemed to respond to my flashlight by turning it's third light on.
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