Two oddly similar reports have come in to MUFON and this site, and they are worth sharing together in case they are related. A bright pink light was reported traveling overhead on May 11th in Houston, and then in East Texas on May 12th. In Houston, a large sound worthy of a jet accompanied it and it may have caused a power outage. However, in East Texas, the witness was able to get a good view and noticed a black triangle shape with three lights. Read the two reports below. May 11th at 4 AM in Houston (Sugar Land area): A very bright pink light came over where I live , it burnt out some light bulbs around the apartment complex , I heard a very loud noise , it sounded like a very loud jet before the light showed up. May 12th in Elysian Fields (East Texas): was driving home from bringing my sister's boyfriend his power cord for his ps4 when i saw a bright, but distant, glowing pink-red light. At first I thought it was just an airplane, but it didn't move. After about 3 minutes I noticed this light was part of 3 other lights (each white) and had a black shape between each point. About the time I turned to get on one of my local roads to start my final stretch home when I noticed it following me, or at least heading my direction. I soon there after lost it behind some trees, and immediately thereafter came here to report my sighting. I do have a photo, but it's on my phone and is blurry. I swear it's real!!!
What a sight! Have you seen a strange pink light or triangle craft in Texas recently? Help solve this mystery and report your sighting.
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