An extremely bright and large orb hovered high up in the night sky for several minutes near Fort Hood, according to a recent report submitted to MUFON (case 83602). The witness snapped a photo: I was leaving work and about to get in my truck when I saw the object in the sky to the SW of my position. Object was bright and too big to be a star or planet. It was not the moon. Object seemed textured, almost like a mirror ball, and appeared about the diameter of a dime held at arms length in the sky. The object just hovered in the sky and did not move. I heard no sound other than that of traffic but I don't think the object was close to me. I had the impression it was very large but a good ways off. I watched approximately 10 minutes and then it was just gone. I never saw it move. It just wasn't there anymore.
Could this be a military craft, as the witness suggested, considering the close proximity to Fort Hood? Or could this be alien? It doesn't appear to be a typical plane, drone, satellite, or weather balloon, that's for sure! Share your theories about this UFO sighting in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! And, as always, if you've seen a UFO, report it!
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A Killeen resident spotted a triangular-shaped craft hovering and then moving overhead, silently. The close proximity to Fort Hood certainly makes this an intriguing account. Could this have been a military craft or something more extraterrestrial? Read the testimony, submitted to MUFON, below: I was on my way home from dropping off a co-worker after work. I was driving down Rancier Ave. when I saw a strange light hovering a little past the park. At first I thought it could be a helicopter, since I live in Killeen,TX rite next to Ft Hood and there are always helicopters in the air. As I got closer I could tell it was a triangle shaped craft not a helicopter, I couldn't hear any noise from it. I pulled into the park to continue watching it. It stayed in the same place for about 15 minutes, then slowly moved over the park. I opened the sunroof in my car to watch it as it slowly flew rite over my head. Then it changed direction from heading west going parallel with Rancier to going South-West. A few seconds after it made the turn it vanished. Did you see this object as well? Can you help crack the case? Report your sighting!
A first and second-hand account of a variety of UFOs out by Fort Hood has hit MUFON. From hovering to traveling to breaking up into multiple lights, these UFOs are quite mysterious and especially suspcious, considering their location near a military base and the fact that the primary witness is a guard who - so far - is not eager to share the footage he's taken of the objects: The first time that I was informed about the UFO was four weeks ago in the vicinity of Fort Hood and Copperas Cove. The primary witness informed me that at his location: 31°08'43.2"N 97°46'48.3"W during guard duty, he informed me that he saw a UFO flying 45 - 60 degrees above the horizon around the hours of 20:00 to 23:00. On occasion, the UFO would disappear and reappear (especially when AH-64s go on maneuvers heading west). The witness additionally informed me that the object appeared every time he has duty in the same location or moving to the same location coming from a northerly direction presumably in the direction that leads to Gatesville. Additionally, he has video footage of the object (which I am persuading him to share with MUFON or to at least give it to me so I will be able to share this footage). On most of them, the object shown many different colors. On one footage, it showed the object breaking up into small forms of lights and back together again. Most recently, he saw two objects in the sky. Hopefully we'll get video soon.
In the meantime, if you've seen these UFOs as well, report your sighting and help solve the mystery.
Hey guys, still catching up with post-holiday day to day life, so sorry for lack of updates! Stay tuned! Here's a refreshingly detailed account of a set of red and then white lights that showed up at a Texas ranch and were witnessed by many. One of the witnesses shared testimony and a drawing of what they saw, and although they've never seen anything like this - TUS sure has. The "main" UFO observed was a bright red light beacon that changed positions in the sky and had a very odd pattern of blinking: In the early morning hours of December 1, 2013, about 12:30 AM, in Coryell County, Texas. Myself and others were at our ranch house, when my cousin and I walked outside to talk. I immediately noticed a bright red light above the hill to the North East about 700 yards from where we were standing. This is the hill country, we are standing in a low spot of pastures surrounded by hills close enough to walk to in all directions in 20 minutes (even to the hill where the light is at). It was very bright, bright enough to know that we had never seen it before in our lives at the ranch. It seemed to hover above the treeline on the hill for a few minutes, then seemed to be under the treeline in a clearing on the hill. Do you have any idea of what these strange lights were? Please comment! And as always, if saw these UFOs, report your sighting.
Wow. A dark grey craft as big as 5 acres - which "kind of" looked like "Batman's Batwing" - silently and slowly flew over Fort Hood, and created a mini earthquake in the process, waking up two people and drawing them outside their home. After the craft left, two apache helicopters followed suit. Unfortunately we have no video or photo of the encounter, but we do have a very detailed description of it: We were woken up by what felt like an earthquake at 03:50 central time. We ran outside and the air and ground was vibrating like standing next to a very loud speaker with a lot of bass. A bit faster than a heart beat. There was no sound. The craft was moving about 20mph in a W to E direction ... a little NE... heading toward Killen/Fort Hood, TX. The craft was as big as my 5 acres. There was no sound, no lights, the craft was illuminated by my street light. It was a very dark grey and we could see features ... not very symmetrical in nature. The craft was disk shape with a center fuselage, split down the middle, with the fuselage in-between the two disks. The fuselage was semi-square with rounded edges and corners. Kind of like Batman's Batwing... kind of. The disk was about 30 feet thick/tall. There was no bevel or curve to shape. It was a big squarish disk split in half with a squarish fuselage. It took about 5 minutes before it disappeared into the darkness. It did not zip away. There was swoosh just the steady deep earth shaking vibrations. No damage to my home or trees or anything. Enough vibration to wake us up and to make us run outside. Shortly afterward (a minute or two), two apache Helicopters followed after it, traveling about the same speed. Did you see this incredible UFO? Please report your sighting!
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