A triangle UFO seen over Texas in 2008, the same year as the famous Stephenville lights UFO event (which was proven to happen, and also was of a triangle UFO). According to the witness, who reached out to me, the power went off during the sighting, and then turned back on after the triangle UFO disappeared: It was 2008 and one Saturday day me and my lil brother were playing at our house and it was about 9 in the morning and we ate and ect and like around 11 in the afternoon me and my lil brother decided to go our friends house and we went to his house and we played his xbox and we were just hanging out and till like around 1:58 in the afternoon me and my friend and my lil brother decided to go outside and play my friends psp's on his porch he had three so we played online together and like 5 mins later i decided to get up and i got off the porch to look for my friends nerf gun and i it was under his tree so i went to get it and something caught my eye in the sky in front of me it was an black triangle object with three white circles on the corners and on the side of the object there were little colorful changing lights in 2 rows and the lights went left to right changing colors and it was like 300 feet in the air and it never moved in the air and the object never made noise and when i saw the triangle i told my friend and my lil brother to get off the porch and look of what i was looking at and they saw it two and when we were looking at the object there was a car coming down the street and out of nowhere my friends psp's turned off, my friends trailer power turned off and we were like whats going on and the car that was coming down the road turned off too like the person was driving and just turned the car off and just sat in the heat with the car off and when we saw all that we went inside my friends trailer and everything was off inside and we were freaking out and the light switches didn't work either and like 2 mins later we went back outside and on my friends porch to see if that object was still there and it was gone and the power just turned on and the car was still there and the person was still sitting in the heat of the car and when the power turned on the car turned on and the person drove off like it was nothing and the day after my friend moved and we never heard from them again. Is it possible the Stephenville lights was related to this other sighting, which occurred about 349 miles away? If so, what could this mean? Were aliens visiting Texas in 2008, or could there have been an increase in top-secret military activity during that time? I'm following up with the witness for more information, but in the meantime, share your thoughts and theories below, and report your triangle UFO sighting if you've ever seen one. The triangle UFOs are some of the most commonly reported and hard-to-explain UFOs that people see! I recently rounded up the top triangle UFO sightings I've reported over the years, and so you can check that out below:
A sighting from back in the 80s has just been reported to Texas UFO Sightings. I'm always intrigued by newly-reported "old" sightings, because for the witnesses, these sightings have clearly stood the test of time. Read the testimony below, sent in by Trish, which documents a white oval-shaped UFO she and her boyfriend once observed: "White light" observed over Fort Stockton, Texas: I'm trying to get more information about this sighting, but in the meantime, let me know what you think about it. Did an alien spaceship pass over Texas in 1986, or was this just a misidentification of something much less fantastic... for example, a plane, or even another vehicle? Let me know in the comments, or on the social channels (I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
Have you ever seen anything like this? Report your sighting! "Someone called me to let me know someone was on our property" -2 UFOs Photographed Over West Texas8/16/2015
Texas UFO Sightings reader Ashley Courtney was alerted to a scene outside their home and so they went to check it out --- and what they saw were two hovering lights that then moved closer to the witnesses and changed colors from red to blue. Apparently the sighting went on for all of two hours. Check out photo and testimony: Someone called me to let me know someone was on our property outside of town so I get out there and it was 2 lights an first we thought they we're distant headlights then as they moved we thought OK it's flashlights but they came closer an closer an sometimes turning blue an red an just seem to hover. We watched, took pics an video for 2hrs. Very interesting that a neighbor or friend thought someone was on the witness' property right before this event. There may have been multiple witnesses to these UFOs. Did you see them too? Report your sighting!
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