A Plano couple witnessed at least four bright lights in the sky - silently hovering and making formations - and were able to capture at least two of them on camera. They graciously shared their experience with Texas UFO Sightings: We opened our back door to let our little dogs go out in our backyard to use the bathroom… It was about 12:22 AM New Year's Day. My husband said wow look at that plane it looks like it's coming right at us and I said yeah that is weird and then all of a sudden another one popped up next to it and then another one and then another one. Then there were four but they were not planes, nor were they helicopters nor were they Chinese lanterns or fireworks. They blinked different colors and hovered in the sky and form a triangle after the fourth disappeared into nowhere. We took a video of it and we have uploaded it to YouTube. At frame :08 to :10 you will see the one object move extremely quickly and up to the left in a way that a plane cannot move. Also, there was absolutely no sound and what a plane flies over us out here you can hear it clearly and loudly. The video itself is dark and it actually looks to me like one large object with blinking lights, but along with the testimony, we've definitely got a collection of UFOs or one large UFO on our hands. With all the New Year festivities, fireworks or Chinese lanterns can't be entirely ruled out, but that doesn't really seem to fit the bill here.
If you saw these UFOs as well, report them!
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Hey guys, due to Life, and the mass meteor sightings... TUS is WAYYYYY behind. I prefer to dedicate a post to each sighting so that it gets the attention it deserves. However, it's just not always possible. Here's a recap of the many sightings that have been in the backlog. Everything from cigar and boomerang-shaped crafts to stars on the move (SUPER common of late!)... here goes: August ![]() 8/19, West Texas: Is this UFO, filmed falling from the sky, a meteor or a craft with four lights (see photo to the right)? 8/25, Lewisville: Bright star-like object repeatedly shows up over witness' home, but unlike a star, it moves. A few days later... a similar sightings occur... (read on):
Back on June 22nd, a ton of Texans got to see a kick-ass shooting star.... or something. I like sharing stories of identified flying objects, too - in particular, meteors and drones. But the reason I'm sharing this meteor sighting is because I'm not so sure it was a meteor. According to the many witnesses, a pair of yellow white fireballs fragmented in the night sky. But the silence and brightness of the event is curious, and the witnesses, which include veteran sky gazers who've seen their fair share of shooting stars, were all floored by the sighting, which they compared to a fireworks show. Did you see this UFO? What do you think it was? Let me know! Here's AMSMeteors.org's map of the event: And highlights from witness reports: It looked like two yellowish balls surrounded by white light next to each other with one white tail. Although it was obviously only a few seconds, it seemed to last a while. Excited to have seen it, but really want to know what it was from because it was huge! Expect lots of reports! - Alec Wow, what a week. There have been mass UFO sightings in Texas out the wa-zoo, of all sorts. I thought they were worth a post all on their own. Here's a wrap up of the strangeness in the skies of the Lone Star State... basically, everyone's seeing orange. Could a meteor shower be to blame? According to ElPasoAllSky.com, possibly. A fireball explains some, but certainly not all, the sightings. As well, a local San Antonian has admitted to lighting sky lanterns the night of the mass sighting in San Antonio (however it doesn't really explain the exact nature of all the sightings).
In other oddball UFO news...
Here's a photo of the lights seen in League City, apparently identical to other sightings around Texas.
Someone in Frisco (outside Dallas) has spotted a reddish-orange orb flying through the sky, which appeared to have a halo around it. The sighting occurred on May 19th and sounds an awfully lot like a sighting in Poteet on the same night! Round, glowing ball of reddish-orange with a halo around that traveled in a southeasterly to northwesterly direction. It did not pulsate its colors but had a halo of light around it. It stayed at the same elevation of around 3000 feet and flew its course at a very rapid speed. We watched it until it disappeared in the distance. If it is similar to the Poteet sighting, then apparently (according to the Poteet witness), it looked like this: |
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