When: July 18th, 2017 at 8:30 PM
A witness to a bright star-like object hovering for several minutes over the Katy area submitted photo and testimony to the site. When viewed through binoculars, the "star" in actually appeared as a "U-shaped fireball." What is also noteworthy is the witness was able to see this UFO from different parts of their neighborhood (or town, it isn't entirely clear), implying that it was rather big: Was diving home and admiring the sunset behind a large cloud that was casting a blue shadow on the sky when I noticed a bright light lower in the horizon to the left of the sunset. It looked like an early star. So after. Got home I ran in and got my binoculars and was surprised to see a clearly defined u-shaped fire ball. It remained in the same spot in the sky for a full five minutes. Did not change shape. But then got smaller as if moving slowly away from me and out of my range of sight. I attempted to take a photo with my iPhone but it only shows up as a light speck. But the image in the binoculars was extremely defined.
This sighting reminds me of another July sighting from Texas, specifically a MUFON report detailing a strange color-changing light hovering over San Antonio:
Could these UFO sightings in Texas be related? Do you have theories on what these witnesses saw?
Share your ideas (meteor?, plane?, spotlights?) in the comments below, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! While you're here, browse all recent Houston area UFO sightings.
November 2nd, 2014 Update: Many meteors have been reported since. AMSMeteors.org has been receiving a steady stream of "fireball" reports over the past several days, with a definite peak on the dates of the 15th and 16th. Although none originated from Texas, I'm pretty sure the Lone Star State got a good show, too. Here are a few reports to share. Check out this anonymous testimony submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: Not sure of the exact time that I saw the tube like plane, I would guess between 2:30 As well as another report submitted to the site by Nick Alwin: Appeared to be a meteorite. Fireball with orange tail falling to the south toward Richmond-Rosenberg area. It looks like residents of the Great Lakes got most of the fireballs, but Texans clearly caught a glimpse of some pretty hectic space weather, too. And we know space is quite active right now - remember the comet that barely missed Mars on the 19th, just days after these sightings? The sun's been wonky as ever, to boot! If you saw a shooting star in Texas recently, report it! |
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